Monday, January 29, 2018

Eye Packs For Dark Circles.

1. Raw Potato for Dark Circles Under Eyes:-

 Anything cold will help reduce your dark circles and puffiness under eyes. Potatoes can stay cold for very long and are also rich in various antioxidants like vitamin C along with other nutrients, enzymes and starch that help nourish your thin skin around the eyes. They are also said to have natural bleaching agents that lighten your skin around eyes.

Ways to Use Potato for Dark Circles :-

Place 1-2 potatoes in refrigerator, even better if you place them in the freezer for sometime. Take out the chilled potato and cut thick slices out of it. Lie down and place slices of chilled potato on your eyes covering the dark skin underneath your eyes. Let it stay there for about 10-15 minutes. Grate some frozen potatoes. Use it on your eyes as if its an eye pack. You can even place the grated potato over a cheesecloth and wrap it to make a cool poultice. Place it on your eyes for about 10-15 minutes. Squeeze the grated potato to extract its juice or grind a potato and take out its juice. Soak two cotton ball in this juice and place it on your eyes. To get the benefit of both potato and cucumber, peel and chop half cucumber and one potato. Grind them together. Now using a sieve or cloth, extract the juice. Place this juice in the refrigerator for sometime so that it becomes cold. Now soak two cotton pads in this iced juice of cucumber and potato and place them on your eyes for 10-15 minutes before washing off. 

2. Tomato-Lemon-Turmeric Eye Pack for Dark Circles:-

 Tomatoes are rich in a number of nutrients including vitamin A, B and C, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, calcium, and iron. All these nutrients along with its bleaching properties make tomatoes a good remedy for dark circles. Lemon juice too has strong bleaching properties. Turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory properties which helps in diminishing dark circles as well as puffy eye bags. Make this very beneficial pack using all these ingredients to get rid of your dark circles. Image Courtesy: meganwest & Cinnamon Vogue.

Get this:  

  • Tomato- 1 
  • Lemon juice- Half (1/2) spoon.
  • Turmeric powder- a generous pinch 
  • Gram flour- 2 spoon.

Do this

  • Grind or crush the tomato and extract its juice. 
  • Add lemon juice, turmeric and gram flour to this tomato juice. 
  • Mix well to get a paste. 
  • Apply this around your eyes covering the dark circles. 
  • Leave for 15-20 minutes. 
  • Then wash it with cold water.

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