Monday, January 29, 2018

Top 6 Tips For Face - How To Get Acne Under Control.

Is acne spoiling your looks?   Worry not  we can help you to get acne under control:-

Are you losing self confidence because your face is covered with pimples? Are pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, redness, itchiness and burning sensation on skin driving you crazy?
Worry not we can help you get acne under control.

Tip 1:-    
               Never use harsh soap or harsh face wash to cleanse your face. Harsh cleansers with chemicals can make irritate your acne.

Be sure to:
  •   Use a mild acne specialist face cleanser.
  •   Wash face no more than twice a day.
  •  Always use warm (not hot) water for this.
  •   Dab dry face with a fresh, soft cotton towel. Do not use this towel again without washing and drying it first .

Tip 2:-
                    Go without makeup as often as possible. Foundation, blush, powder, these can irritate your skin more. Dirty makeup brushes can spread acne bacteria.

 Be sure to:
  •  Go without makeup as much as possible.
  •  Avoid oily makeup products.
  •  If you do wear makeup, wash it off well before going to sleep.

Tip 3:- 
                Keep lair clean. Wear away from face. Dandruff and hair styling products can land on your face skin, clog pores and cause more acne.

 Be sure to:
  •  Shampoo your hair regularly.
  •   Keep dandruff under control.
  •  Use styling products rarely.
  •   Tie up your hair away from the face.

Tip 4:-
                   Don't touch face or prick your acne. Keep your hands off your face as these can inflame skin, spread acne bacteria and cause scars.

 Be sure to:
  • Never burst a pimple.
  •  Never prop your chin/cheek on hands.
  •  Never rub or massage skin with acne.

Tip 5:-
                    Avoid sun. Or wear sunscreen. Direct sunlight can inflame your skin more and make acne scars darker.

 Be sure to:
  •  Stay out of sunlight during peak sun hours.
  •  Wear a hat or scarf if you go out.

  •  Wear an oil-free high SPF sunscreen if you go out.

Tip 6:-
                  Eat right. Breathe deep. Wrong foods and stress can make acne worse.

Be sure to:
  •  Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
  •   Drink lots of water — at least 8 glasses a day.
  •   Avoid chocolates, cold drinks, oily-spicy and packaged foods.
  •  Breathe deep to keep stress under check.

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