Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Women and sports

French women are not very sporty compared to their European neighbors. Two million of them are exposed to increased risks, including cardiovascular disease.

According to a survey conducted in five European countries (France, United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark and Sweden), our fellow citizens are indeed those who devote the least amount of time to physical activity. By physical activity, WHO (World Health Organization) hears traditional sports activities, but also household chores.

This survey shows that 42% of French women surveyed did not reach the recommended duration of physical activity by the WHO, a little over two and a half hours per week "moderate physical activity: gardening, dancing or walking fast "or" an hour and a quarter of intense physical activity: sport, running or rhythmic gymnastics ".

On the other hand, this concerns only 34% of women in the United Kingdom, 33% in Sweden, 19% in Denmark and 19% in Germany. In a given week, half of French women admit to having not participated in any sports competition and, more generally, 22% of them admit to being "physically inactive": in other words, they do not do any sport at all. . A study conducted by the WHO European Office in 2006 showed that physical activity could be hindered by a number of obstacles (lack of time, lack of sportiness, safety problem, idea that one is already active enough ...). "The feeling of running out of time is the reason most often cited," says the document. To play sports over time, you need to have a strong motor, which can be pleasure, skill development, health benefits or physical well-being.

Health authorities regularly recall the importance of sport in health. "It can help reduce the risk of heart disease, the leading cause of female death, with one-third of all female deaths worldwide," said Johanna Raiston, President of the World Heart Federation. In France, the YouGov study shows that more than two million women are just below the threshold of a healthy duration of physical activity, against 1.75 million in Germany, and barely 120,000 in Denmark. "The French women could reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease by aiming to do just one extra hour of sports per week or to engage in daily physical activity," says the study.

Physical activity is a habit to take and keep to be healthy.

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