Thursday, March 22, 2018

15 Natural Home Remedies for Syphilis

home remedies for syphilis

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the bacterium (Treponema pallidum). The symptoms of syphilis vary from genital sores to heart and neurological problems and even death. Worldwide sexually transmitted infections from syphilis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia are estimated at almost 400million. Syphilis cases, though, have started to rise due to drug-resistant strains. If you are looking for a natural cure for syphilis, then we have some suggestions. Our home remedies for syphilis bring together all the natural treatments that have been researched as effective against the disease. However, we strongly advise you to seek medical attention if you are diagnosed.

Syphilis treatment history

Records of syphilis existed long before the bacterium responsible (Treponema pallidum) was identified in 1905 (1).

As a highly infectious sexually transmitted disease, it was heavily stigmatized in the past. When outbreaks occurred, each afflicted country would blame its neighbor.

Syphilis has thus been known as ‘the French disease’ (to the Germans, Italians, and British), ‘the Neapolitan disease’ (to the French), ‘the Polish disease’ (to the Russians), and so it goes on.

Natural syphilis cureHistory of Syphilis Treatment: A patient drinking Guayaco, a medicine made from the wood of the Guaiacum tree (being prepared and cooked on right). Circa. 1570.

Syphilis was known for being an undiscriminating disease. Anyone – from kings, aristocrats, artists, philosophers, merchants, and poor commoners – were at risk if they were promiscuous.

The exact origins of syphilis remain unknown: there are presently two different hypotheses about its origins and how it spread:

One is that Columbus brought the disease back from the Americas and the other is that the disease has been global as long as humanity has.

Today, syphilis is unevenly distributed across the globe (2) where sub-Saharan Africa, Bolivia, and Bhutan have the highest rates of infection (3).

Before antibiotics, many home remedies for syphilis were tried to varying effects. Later on in the history of syphilis treatment, doctors prescribed the use of heavy metals such as arsenic and mercury.

While they had some effect, the side effects of heavy metal poisoning were often as bad as the disease.

The widespread use of penicillin, (the most effective drug against the disease) has played a major role in contributing to the decline of syphilis rates across many nations.

Also, the AIDS crisis and a greater awareness about the risks of unprotected sexual activity have also contributed to lower syphilis prevalence in many nations.

Symptoms of Syphilis

Syphilis is treatable, but it can cause major health problems if left untreated (4). You can become infected via direct contact with a syphilis sore when you engage in oral sex, vaginal sex, or anal sex.

Syphilis sores can be found around or on the vagina and penis, inside the rectum and mouth, or on the lips. It can also be spread from an infected mother to her unborn baby.

The severity of a syphilis infection depends on its stage.

In the primary stage,

  • You will notice the presence of round, firm and painless sores around the site where you were originally infected.
  • Swelling of the lymph nodes

In the secondary stage,

  • You may suffer from symptoms such as a fever, a skin rash, and again swollen lymph nodes.
  • In both stages, there is a chance that you will fail to notice these mild symptoms. No signs or symptoms can be found during the latent stage.

In the tertiary stage,

  • You will suffer from non-cancerous growths, neurological problems and/or heart problems (5).
  • It can cause severe damage to your heart, blood vessels, brain, and nervous symptoms up to three decades after you became infected.
  • You may suffer from severe headaches, dementia, blindness, seizures, psychosis, paralysis, numbness, loss of muscle function and even death.

The standard treatment for syphilis is a course of antibiotics and can be cured. This can include penicillin injections or other antibiotic options (e.g. doxycycline, tetracycline, or azithromycin) for those who have penicillin allergies.

However, antibiotics may not undo or reverse the damage caused by the infection (7).

home remedies for syphilisHome remedies for Syphilis

For a syphilis treatment other than penicillin, there are a few options. These home remedies for syphilis can help you recover from syphilis, but they should not be used as a substitute for professional medical treatment. Do consult your doctor before you decide to turn to natural treatment methods.

  1. Heart-leaved Moonseed

Heart-leaved Moonseed is a native Indian shrub has been described as a “miraculous ayurvedic herb” that has been used to treat a wide variety of diseases.

It has long been viewed as a natural cure for syphilis. It also is used to treat gonorrhea, diabetes, cancer, and anemia (8).

In recent years, scientists have studied some of its active components and their biological function in disease control.

A 2012 study showed that heart-leaved moonseed has anti-toxic effects, anti-HIV effects, anti-cancer effects, anti-microbial activity, anti-arthritic, and anti-osteoporotic effects. (9).

While more research is needed to conclusively demonstrate its efficacy in treating syphilis, the evidence thus far suggests that it can help you recover from the disease.

You can benefit from its various healing properties by consuming its aqueous stem extract three times each day for 8 weeks.

  1. Desert Wormwood

Desert wormwood is a heavily aromatic plant that has been as a natural cure for syphilis, other infectious diseases, inflammatory disorders, and nervous disorders in Jordanian traditional medicine.

A 2015 study found that appropriate doses of desert wormwood essential oil had antifungal and anti-inflammatory activities properties, without causing any detrimental effects (10).

More research is needed to firmly establish its efficacy in alleviating syphilis symptoms, but you can consider incorporating desert wormwood oil into your treatment.

  1. Chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum has been used for its decorative value and for its many health benefits by virtue of “antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiangiogenic, and nematicidal properties” (11).

A 2015 journal article published in the Journal of Drug Discovery and Therapeutics noted that its bark is purgative and has been used to treat syphilis, constipation, and intestinal parasitic infections in traditional Indian medicine.

Again, more conclusive clinical research is needed to demonstrate its efficacy. In the meantime, you could potentially benefit from consuming chrysanthemum bark extract.

  1. Tamarind

A 2013 journal article published in The Journal of Phytomedicine identified tamarind as traditional medicine cure for syphilis in the South West Bengal of India (12).

A 2017 study published in World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences observed that it has antimicrobial, hepatoprotective, anthelmintic, antioxidant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties (13).

While researchers endeavor to study its bioactive components, you stand to benefit from consuming this pod-like fruit.

  1. Natural antibiotics

Some natural antibiotics superfoods that can fight a syphilis infection are already mentioned. However, why not use more?

Plants have been fighting pathogens for millions of years. They have developed a wide variety of compounds that have antimicrobial and antibiotic properties.

There is a natural antibiotic for almost any infection and these superfoods represent a whole new line of defense against infection.

Add to your diet all of the well-known natural antibiotics. These include garlic, turmeric, oregano and apple cider vinegar to name but a few.

While there is no specific research for these foods as a treatment for syphilis, there is a large amount of research into their antibacterial effects. Syphilis, after all, is caused by a bacteria.

  1. Asteraceae

Asteraceae, a perennial shrub native to Madagascar, has been used in Malagasy traditional medicine as a home remedy for syphilis, diarrhea, cough, and headache (14).

To benefit from its purgative qualities, grind equal amounts of Asteraceae and Heart-leaved moonseed together, and then add some honey. Consume 4 grams of this powder with water twice a day to relieve some of the syphilis symptoms.

  1. Cypriol

Cypriol is a delicate grass native to India. It has long been used to treat a variety of diseases, including syphilis, diarrhea, epilepsy, gonorrhea, and liver damage (15).

A 2011 journal article published in Current Drug Targets noted that its hepatoprotective activity has been established.

  1. Ginger

Nausea and digestive problems are common symptoms of syphilis.

Ginger has been used in traditional medicine to treat nausea for centuries and it is an effective treatment for nausea from syphilis.

Ginger is also used as an antibiotic because of its ability to treat infections in the body. While there is no specific research for ginger effects on syphilis if nothing else it will treat the chronic nausea symptoms of the disease.

It also is an excellent natural remedy for gut health and will assist in restoring your gut balance if you are taking antibiotics.

  1. Indian sarsaparilla

Likewise, Indian sarsaparilla has been used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat syphilis, leprosy, leucoderma, leucorrhoea, bronchitis, gravel, asthma, and other urinary diseases (16).

Its antihyperlipidaemic and antidyslipidemic effects have been demonstrated in clinical studies.

  1. Mugwort

A common symptom of syphilis is severe joint pain and natural remedies that soothe inflamed joints can be helpful.

Mugwort is known for its anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties, reducing joint pain and increasing mobility.

Whatsmore, research has demonstrated that mugwort essential is effective against syphilis and can but used as a natural treatment for the disease.  (17)

  1. Aleppo cyclamen

A 2015 journal article published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention noted that the bulbs of Cyclamen have been used to treat syphilis, sterility of men and women, and the genitourinary tract in Palestinian traditional medicine (18).

  1. Indian sarsaparilla

Antibiotics are the most effective treatment for syphilis but if you decide to use them, this does not mean you should ignore natural remedies for syphilis.

Antibiotics will kill all the bacteria they come into contact with including the good bacteria in your gut.

They do not distinguish between bacteria and can leave your gut flora barren.

Bacteria can take months to recolonize after antibiotics are administered, and in some cases, the composition of the flora is permanently changed. (19)

Probiotics with a high concentration of bacteria (50 billion CFU) will help restore your gut balance.

This is very important when treating syphilis: the majority of your body’s immune cells reside in the gut and your immune system cannot effectively fight the disease if you have poor quality gut bacteria.

  1. Radish seeds

Radish is commonly consumed in European and American cuisine, but radish seeds have also been utilized for their medical properties against syphilis in Pakistani traditional medicine (20).

  1. Silkrubber

Silkrubber is an African rubber tree that has been used to treat syphilis, gonorrhea, whooping cough, inflammatory diseases, cutaneous fungal infections and hemorrhoids (21).

A 2013 article published in Pharmacological Biology observed that its ethanol leaf and bark extracts demonstrated significant antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activities.

  1. Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic and is known for its healing effects, particularly on the soft tissues [22] and is considered one the best home remedies for syphilis.

The abilities of colloidal silver for treating STDs is renowned. It can be used as a syphilis treatment. [23] This substance can also repair damaged skin to a certain extent. Colloidal silver can repair cellular respiration and regenerate injured cells.

Before you can use colloidal silver to treat syphilis, wash the infected parts using warm water and let them dry. Dab it on the affected parts once a day to treat the syphilis sores.


  • Practice abstinence or engage in a long-term and mutually monogamous relationship
  • Limit the number of sexual partners
  • Always practice safe sex by using a condom (do note that sores may occur in areas not covered by the condom)
  • Use a condom when engaging in oral sex
  • If you are sexually active, get tested regularly for syphilis – especially if you have HIV, or have a partner(s) who have been tested positive for syphilis
  • Complete your medication regimen even if your symptoms disappear
  • Maintain a strong and healthy immune system by consuming a balanced diet and plenty of exercise and sleep.
  • Get tested for other STIs and see our home remedies for sexual health if you have been diagnosed with syphilis


  • Avoid getting tested for syphilis just because the primary stage symptoms have disappeared
  • Assume that you cannot be re-infected with syphilis
  • Avoid engaging in any sexual activity during syphilis treatment
  • Your sex partner may have syphilis despite exhibiting no signs or symptoms; do not assume that he or she is not infected
  • Do not share your sex toys or needles

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