Tuesday, June 26, 2018

22 Best Natural Muscle Relaxers

Best natural Muscle Relaxers

Do you often experience muscle pain, so much that it hinders your daily activities? Are you often complaining about how your leg cramps keep recurring? Perhaps menstrual cramps keep you up at night. This is an indication that your muscles need some time out. Fortunately, there are many natural muscle relaxants that will sooth the pain of tight muscles and cramps. Natural muscle relaxer tea, home remedies, and traditional medicines can provide an alternative to prescriptions drugs here we provide the complete list.

Natural Muscle RelaxantsWhat is a natural muscle relaxer?

Natural Muscle relaxants are organic, herbal or traditional medicines that help prevent and reduce muscle tightness, cramps, and spasms. They are used as an alternative to prescription drugs or as a home treatment option for muscle pain.

Muscle spasms can occur when there is an involuntary contraction of a single or group of muscles. When muscles cramp, they quickly and painfully contract.

The causes of these contractions are varied, but usually, they are due to a mineral deficiency, a condition of the nervous system, physical injury or skeletal misalignment such as sciatica.

Natural muscle relaxants help to address each one of these underlying causes as well as soothe the pain and relax the body.

Why Choose Natural Muscle Relaxers?

Have you ever used a prescription muscle relaxer or considered taking one? The name alone makes you think that these are quite helpful but think again.

These synthetic muscle relaxers are not without dangers and side effects. Indeed some come with with a high addictive potential.

Many of these over-the-counter muscle relaxers, for example, NSAIDs, do not address the underlying problem, seeking to just treat the symptoms. All they do is stop the communication between your brain and the nervous system.

Unfortunately, shutting off this connection does not only affect the painful muscles. The whole body gets affected due to this disconnection in ways that are not desirable.

With all these side effects, one may wonder why to take prescription muscle relaxers, especially when there are natural alternatives?

If you are looking for a natural muscle relaxer for back pain or cramps in your legs, keep reading to know more.

natural muscle relaxersNatural Muscle Relaxers

  1. Magnesium supplements


A magnesium deficiency is linked to many medical conditions, and in particular, is associated with fibromyalgia, leg cramps, and muscle pain.

Indeed, if you have chronic muscle spasms and cramps, the most likely cause is a deficiency of this mineral.

Low levels of magnesium are thought to be linked to higher levels of ‘C-reactive protein’. This is a bodily marker of inflammation and one of the root causes of muscle cramps. (1)

Magnesium is the best natural muscle relaxer supplement and should be taken as the first step to treat the problem.

  1. Search for Cayenne Pepper

cayenne pepperCapsaicin, a natural component of cayenne pepper, is the strongest herbal muscle relaxer. It can reduce muscle pain, inflammation and stiffness. [2]

Using cayenne pepper also prevents the activation of pain transmitters in the brain. Using it topically can be particularly effective for muscle pain management.

The topical application of capsaicin is completely safe for managing soft tissue pain. [3] 4]

Mix one teaspoon of cayenne pepper with two tablespoons of warm olive oil. Apply this paste to the affected area and leave it on for 30 minutes.

Remember not to use this remedy on broken skin.

  1. Go for Epsom Salt

epsom saltEpsom salt is one of the best natural muscle relaxants because of its high magnesium content.

It supplements your body with magnesium which promotes healing and relaxation and helps address any deficiency in this mineral you may have.

Magnesium can also soothe the nervous system and get rid of any toxins that may be contributing to the pain.

Fill a bathtub with warm water and add two cups of Epsom salt in it. Mix it well and soak your body in it for twenty minutes.

Repeat this remedy once a week for improvements.

  1. Find Rosemary

rosemaryRosemary is an aromatic herb with anti-inflammatory properties. It also improves the blood circulation and aids in speedy recovery. It is particularly helpful in treating muscle pain, arthritis, and headaches.

A 2015 study involving rosemary has successfully proven its benefits in pain management. The research has highlighted its therapeutic potential in combination with analgesic drugs. [5]

Take one teaspoon of dried rosemary and add it to one cup of hot water. Cover the pot and let it steep for almost ten minutes. Now, uncover the pot and strain the solution. Drink this herbal tea thrice every day.

Another way to use rosemary is by mixing its essential oil in a bathtub filled with water. Soak in this water for fifteen minutes. This remedy is also helpful for relieving menstrual cramps.

Rosemary is the strongest herbal muscle relaxer and a good for calming down your body.

  1. Arnica Oil

arnica oilArnica, the strongest natural muscle relaxer, has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It can also promote blood circulation to the affected muscle and allow a speedy recovery. [6]

Topical application of arnica can reduce muscle damage and pain after exercise.

Mix some drops of arnica oil in a carrier oil. Use this mixture to massage the affected area several times a day. Avoid applying arnica oil to skin with cuts or open wounds.

  1. Buy Lavender Oil

lavender oilLavender is a great way to get rid of muscle pain and cramps. It has anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce inflammation and swell in any muscle. [7]

Lavender also has a soothing aroma which calms your brain and induces sleep. It is particularly useful for managing sore muscles, arthritis, neck pain, and headaches.

Take a few drops of lavender oil and mix it with warm olive oil. Use this muscle relaxant cream to massage the affected area. Repeat multiple times every day.

  1. Load up on Vitamin D

vitamin dNatural muscle relaxer supplements can help reduce muscle cramps and spasms.

People who suffer from muscle spasms every day are most likely deficient in magnesium or in vitamin D. [8]

Managing this deficiency should be part of any muscle pain management program.

There are a lot of ways to get vitamin D naturally. Eat more eggs and fish and prefer items fortified with vitamin D.

Getting exposed to sunlight every day is another natural way of obtaining vitamin D.

  1. Take Rest

restPerhaps the best way to relax your muscles and reduce pain is rest. Make sure that you get an adequate amount of sleep every day. Also, ensure that you are not overworking the affected muscle.

As you sleep, your body tends to rebuild the broken muscles and replenish energy. So, give the body enough time to heal itself naturally.

  1. Eat Blueberries

blueberryA blueberry smoothie may be the best thing for your muscles to recover after a hectic workout session.

Blueberries are famous for its antioxidant composition and anti-inflammatory effects.

Drinking blueberry shakes before and after exercising speeds up the muscle healing process. [9]

  1. Call for Clove Oil

clove oilCloves consist of certain chemicals called beta-caryophyllene and eugenol. These agents are anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and anesthetic in nature. [10]

Clove oil can be the best natural muscle relaxer for back pain but be sure to dilute it before using. Do not use it if you are pregnant or have high skin sensitivity.

Mix two drops of clove oil in a large amount of carrier oil. Apply it to the affected muscle and massage for 15 minutes. Repeat every day.

  1. Try Chiropractic Adjustments

back painChiropractic adjustments are a drug-free way to heal pain. It can even be more effective than the prescription drugs at managing muscle pain. [11]

Chiropractors focus on the health of your spine and its proper alignments. They check if there are any shifts and make proper adjustments in order to align it properly.

So, get in touch with your nearest chiropractor now to get rid of a back pain or a neck pain.

  1. Get Tart Cherries

tart cherryTart cherries are rich in antioxidants and various other anti-inflammatory agents. These cherries are particularly beneficial for people suffering from fibromyalgia and arthritis.

The benefits of tart cherries have been proven in a 2010 study. The study indicates that taking tart cherry juice for a week before and after a running session can reduce muscle pain. [12] [13]

Tart cherries have also been found to help prevent muscle pain after a workout session.

Drink a glass of tart cherry juice every day to reduce muscle pain and soreness.

Muscle Relaxing Tea

There are many natural muscle relaxant herbs that you can try to alleviate your symptoms. These herbs can be taken as natural supplements for muscle relaxation, or infused with water to make a tea.

The following muscle relaxing teas will treat the various root causes of muscle cramp and spasms.

  1. Peppermint Tea

peppermint teaPeppermint has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antispasmodic properties. This makes it a perfect natural muscle relaxing tea for back pain, leg pain, and tension headaches. [14]

Steep one teaspoon of fresh peppermint leaves in hot water for fifteen minutes. Strain the solution and drink this tea every day.

You can also mix 2 drops each of peppermint oil and sandalwood oil in one tablespoon of almond oil. Use this to massage the affected muscle

  1. Chamomile Tea

chamomile teaChamomile is an ancient herb with soothing properties. It consists of 36 different flavonoids, each with anti-inflammatory properties.

It is widely used topically as a muscle relaxant cream.

A 2005 study has reported that sipping chamomile tea relieves menstrual cramps in women. This is due to its muscle relaxing properties. [15]

Another study has reported on the anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile. This natural herb can be used as a muscle relaxer for back pain. [16]

To use topically, mix some chamomile oil with a carrier oil (or buy pre-made chamomile cream) and use it to massage the spastic muscle. Repeat it twice every day.

You can also make chamomile tea by boiling its flowers in water for ten minutes. Drink it twice daily.

  1. Valerian Tea

valerian teaPeople have been using valerian for a long time to manage neck tension and muscle pain. This herb is rich in volatile oils that ease tension and manage pain.

Additionally, valerian has sedative properties that relieve stress and induces sleep. It is particularly useful for managing sciatica.

Valerian extract can induce analgesic effects in animals, as per research. [17] It can also increase the efficacy of aspirin.

Its antispasmodic effects can also treat dysmenorrhea or painful menstruation.

Take half a teaspoon of valerian extract every day to manage muscle cramps.

You may also add one teaspoon of dried valerian root in a cup of hot water to form a herbal tea. Drink it several times a week.

  1. Passion Flower Tea

thyme tea

Thyme is a medicinal herb that is commonly used to soothe gastrointestinal problems such as bloating, indigestion, stomach ulcers and constipation.

However, the herb is also antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory and can be taken as a muscle relaxant tea.

Steep some thyme leaves in water for 5 minutes. Strain this mixture and then drink it after every half hour. This is a very effective remedy to relax muscles and reduce cramp.

  • Alternatively, crush some thyme leaves and extract the juice. Mix this juice in one cup of water and sip it once daily.
  1. Cramp Bark Tea

cramp bark teaIf you want to know the best muscle relaxant tea, then this is probably it. Cramp bark is named so for good reason.

It is an anti-spasmodic herb and will help relieve contractions, stiffness, and spasms in both involuntary and smooth muscles.

Cramp bark is widely used to treat a variety of nervous disorders and spasms.

  1. Skullcap Tea

skull cap teaThe skullkap plant is a member of the mint family and similar to peppermint, it has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antispasmodic properties.

This makes it a perfect natural muscle relaxing tea for aches and pains throughout the body.

However, skullcap is particularly effective for those suffering from muscles spasms due to a nervous disorder. Studies on rats show that skullcap reduces seizures and spasms. (18)

Due to its soothing effects on the nervous system, the tea can help promote peace of mind and thereby reduce muscles spasms that are stress or anxiety related.

  1. Black Cohosh Tea

black cohosh teaThis plant is a good source of estrogen. Black cohosh is composed of glycosides and isoferulic acids that help in the regulation of hormones.

As such, it is widely used to treat heavy menstrual cramps.

However, black cohosh tea is also a potent anti-spasmodic tonic and can be used as a natural muscle relaxer.

Black cohosh also contains salicylic acid which is a natural compound used to synthesize aspirin.

It is this compound that gives the tea its pain relieving, anti-inflammatory, and anti-spasmodic qualities.

Black cohosh tea is best used as a treatment for back pain which is accompanied by stiffness and dull aches or nerve pain brought on by hot or cold temperatures.

  1. Dong Quai Tea

dong quai tea

Dong Quai is a fragrant plant that is found in the mountains of China, Korea, and Japan.

The root of the plant has been used for centuries to treat numerous problems such as menstrual cramps, muscle cramps, infertility, ulcers, joint pain, etc. (19)

Dong quai tea has sedative and anti-inflammatory and will help relax the body and muscles.

The juice or soup of this herb increases the blood circulation in the body and relieves muscle spasm. However, it is best taken as a tea to relieve muscle spasms.

Note – Women with heavy bleeding should not use this tea.

  1. Fennel Seed Tea

fennel tea

Fennel is another natural muscle relaxer tea that is traditionally associated with relieving menstrual cramps.

However, its antispasmodic properties can be put to good use to relax muscles that are tense across the body.

Steep some fennel seeds in water to make a tea. Strain this mixture and add some honey to it. Drink this herbal tea whenever your cramps kick in.

  1. Passion Flower Tea

passionflower teaPassionflower is usually used to fight anxiety, stress, and irritability, the main contributors to pain.

It also has antispasmodic and sedative effects that provide relief from muscle pain.

Passionflower tea is a great option if you want to get rid of premenstrual cramps and headaches but also is a natural muscle relaxing tea for the whole body [20]

Take one teaspoon of dried passion fruit and add it in one cup of hot water. Let the solution steep for ten minutes. Strain it and drink the tea once every day.


  • Maintain hydration by drinking lots of water
  • Use ice packs or heat pads to soothe muscle pain
  • Take nap breaks throughout the day to rest your body


  • Do not use the affected muscle too often
  • Do not take too much rest as it can promote a sedentary lifestyle

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