Wednesday, January 30, 2019


Many people are trying to lose weight without success and have no one to blame but their own effort (or lack of). There are many diet “tips and tricks” online which people follow, but did you know that you should follow a set of simple rules that can help you towards your goal? Here are 8 rules you should follow if you want to lose weight:
Reduce your carb intake

If you’re planning on losing weight, you need to start counting calories. In general, you should consume 500 calories less than the usual in order to lose weight. If your metabolism is slow, eating a lesser amount of carbs can accelerate it and you will notice the first results in only a few weeks.

The scale lies

Once you start working out and eating a healthy diet, don’t jump on the scale right away as you may be disappointed. Losing weight occurs gradually, and you’ll probably notice the change in your looks before seeing massive changes on the scale. Instead of standing on the scale every day, look at yourself in the mirror and you’ll notice how the process goes.

Weight training

If you want to lose weight and have lean muscle, you need to add weight training in your daily workout routine. Cardio can get you in shape, but it doesn’t work on your muscles, which is why you need to start lifting.

Morning routines are best

Working out in the morning on an empty stomach will bring positive results pretty quickly. Do at least 10 minutes of exercising in the morning and you will see the results soon.

Smaller meals

If you plan on losing weight, you’ll also need to reduce your meals. Cut down the portions in half and eat 4-5 smaller meals during the day instead of 3 big ones in order to accelerate your metabolism. The smaller portions should include carbs and proteins as well as healthy fats for perfect balance.

Drink plenty of water

In general, you should drink 8-10 glasses of water per day – this will improve your digestion and metabolism, effectively making you lose weight. Set up reminders about drinking water on your smartphone or stick post-it notes on your fridge in order to drink the recommended amount of water.

Plan your meals carefully

Instead of entering the market and getting the first junk food you see, plan what you’re going to eat during the day – this includes the snacks before lunch. A pre-prepared meal plan will help you eat healthy and smaller portions so you don’t go hungry during the day.

Go to bed earlier

Experts recommend having your last meal at least 3 hours before going to bed, and sleeping at least 7-9 hours. Not enough sleep can disrupt the levels of your hormones and make the body store fat which obviously wasn’t your plan.

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