Friday, May 31, 2019

Aloe Vera (Ghritkumari): Benefits And Interesting Ways Of Adding It To Your Diet

Aloe Vera (Ghritkumari): Benefits And Interesting Ways Of Adding It To Your Diet

Aloe Vera (Ghritkumari): Benefits And Interesting Ways Of Adding It To Your Diet
Aloe vera is one of the most famous and widely used plants which is known for its medicinal and general health benefits. 
It is considered not only good for the health of the body but is also very good for skin and hair. 
Also known as Ghatkumari in Hindi, Aloe Vera has received wide acceptance throughout the world, due to its many unreliable health benefits, as well as the relative ease of growing it too. 
Aloe plants can be found in the kitchen gardens of many kitchens and many indoor plants because the plants grow easily and quickly. This requires minimal care and the gel that leaves the leaves, which is the main food part, can also be easily removed and put in various uses.
Many people use aloe vera and its products only to improve the quality of their skin and hair. Aloe vera juice is widely available in grocery stores and online. 
But aloe vera is best called for its nutrition when its raw and raw is consumed. This is the reason that it is grown in homes and is often used in food items and drinks. It has a light vegetarian flavour and almost a neutral flavour, which makes it a healthy ingredient to add to your diet. 
Let's look at the health benefits of Aloe vera before we can add it to our diet.
Aloe vera nutrition and health benefits
1. Enriched in Antioxidants:
It is said that antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are found in Aloe vera because it contains abundant plant compounds polyphenols. Aloe vera, when both tops and consumables apply, then improve the quality of your skin and hair.
2. Promotes digestion:
Aloe is called great to ensure the smooth functioning of the digestive system. According to DK Publishing House's book 'Healing Foods', aloe has laxative properties and is great for improving and balancing intestinal flora. This means that it enhances the level of good bacteria in the intestine and exposes harmful parasites from the digestive tract.
3. Diabetes patients can help:
Some human and animal studies have shown that aloe vera can help people with type 2 diabetes by increasing susceptibility to insulin and help in managing blood sugar level. However, further research may be required before establishing this fact as a fact.
4. Can promote weight loss:
Eating aloe vera can also help in managing your weight. The gel is known for its detoxification, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is also known for promoting immunity and digestion, which can indirectly help to lose weight.
How to eat aloe vera
1. It's juice:
 The easiest way to consume aloe vera is to drink the juice. Cut your aloe leaf into small sections, remove the upper bright green layer of the leaf, and then take out the prison. Ensure that the thin yellow latex layer between the leaf and the gel has also been removed. Wash the gel and add it to the coconut water / plain water and processor with a little honey and mix to sweeten. You can mix your favourite juice with apple or cucumber juice.
2. Add the leaves to the salad:
In addition to the gel, aloe vera leaves are also generally considered safe for consumption. You can wash and chop fresh aloe vera leaves (make sure you remove the spike ends, separate flat green leaves from latex and gel and wash it well) and make it with your summer salad Toss. Aloe leaves can add crisp to your salad.
3. Add gel for salad dressing:
Aloe vera gel can be added in salad dressing. Due to its thin texture, it can be easily mixed with olive oil, vinegar ingredients. Aloe vera can be made for a nutritious salad dressing

4. Freeze it as ice-cubes: 
Aloe vera is used to calm irritation. The diluted gel can be put in an ice-cube tray and frozen and then applied to the affected area for immediate relief. These cubes can also be used for use in Smoothies. Put little aloe gel cubes in your blender while fruity Smooth and Blend!
When preparing aloe vera for consumption at home, one should make sure that latex is completely removed as it is the only part of the plant which can have side effects.
Eating aloe vera is not recommended every day and it is advisable to talk to a dietitian or nutritionist before adding aloe vera to your diet.

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