Saturday, June 22, 2019

7 Natural Treatments For Erectile Dysfunction

If there are any problems when creating a physical relationship, there can be scarcity in relationships. Erectile dysfunction also has a similar problem. Erectile dysfunction for men is a stress-free condition. Let us know in detail about erectile dysfunction.
What is erectile dysfunction

For satisfactory sexual intercourse, there is no continuous enough erection, called erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction (ED), which we also know as impotence, is a problem related to men. Erectile dysfunction or erectile dysfunction is a condition in which a male is unable to obtain or retain adequate erection/column for sexual intercourse. That is, he is unable to make a physical connection. We also know this situation by the name of impotence. If this is happening once twice it is not so worrisome, but if it starts happening every day, you should get alert.
It sometimes has an erection, but not every time
There is an erection but it does not last enough for sexual intercourse
A person never able to get an erection

What is erection

Erectile or erection is the situation in which men's sexuality
Penis size increases and becomes tight. On sexually stimulating penile arteries are automatically spread, due to which more blood clots fill three spongy tissue cells and it provides length and hardness. This tissue filled with blood tends to put pressure on the veins that take back the blood, which causes more blood to enter and less blood goes back. By this, the pen gets a certain erectile duct size.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction


A few years ago, the average age of diabetes was 40 years, which has now been reduced to 25 to 30 years. This growing disease can become erectile dysfunction. Healthy blood arteries, levels of testosterone, healthy nerves and good mood only results in sexual pleasure. Lennon diabetes has a bad effect on the arteries and nerves of blood due to which this problem arises.


Depression, excitement or stress are considered to be dangerous for men.

Workload, shortage of time, increasing distances between relationships, loneliness, and ambition, etc. mental stress or anxiety calls many diseases. This disease also includes erectile dysfunction. Therefore, exercise and meditation to overcome them.


While smoking, many chemicals and substances reach your body, which is not right for our health. If you smoke, be careful. Smoking is the biggest reason for this. It does not have blood circulation properly in the body. Because of which you cannot perform properly on the bed.

Taking alcohol

High intake of alcohol can lead to many health problems like hypertension, heart, liver, obesity, and arthritis. In addition to smoking, alcohol consumption can also worsen your physical connection.

Obesity or overweight

Obesity has become a common problem in urban life. Due to obesity, we have to face many types of diseases. From this, the direct impact falls on the penis and the production of the male hormone slows down. This disease gives rise to problems like erectile dysfunction, so exercise for about 45 minutes a day, and reduce obesity and increase blood circulation. (Read: Yoga to reduce obesity)

Aging is also a reason

With age, sexual desire decreases. Men who do not wish to have sex or who have no excitement, they are impotent. On the other hand, the men who are excited but due to panic, they are very quiet, they are partially impotent.


Hyperlipidemia is a disease. This happens when your blood has too much lipid (fat), that is, cholesterol and triglycerides. Due to this disease, your erectile dysfunction or impotence can occur. When the arteries are completely blocked then the blood supply will also slow down. This will affect the private party.

Other reason

Drug use also raises the problem of erectile dysfunction. Along with this, medicines that are consumed to remove high BP or stress are not considered good for your bed life.

Home remedies for impotence

1. Grind 200 grams of garlic and mix 600 mg of honey in it and keep it in a clean vial.

Impotency is removed by consuming 10 grams, Morning empty stomach of for 40 days. And sexual power increases.

2. White onion juice honey ginger juice and ghee 10 ml By mixing equal amounts in the grams, drinking it regularly for 21 days, Morning empty stomach and getting relief from impotence.

3. The remedy of erectile dysfunction with almonds

Almond is considered an excellent aphrodisiac and people have been using it for thousands of years. Due to being high in Vitamin E, Almond promotes healthy blood flow and circulation in the body. In addition, almonds are manganese, rich in zinc, and copper.
Mix a tablespoon of almond powder in hot milk glass. Drink it before going to sleep. The second option is to take a handful of almonds in water for a few hours. Eat these almonds 30 minutes before going to bed daily.
To see any difference in your situation, try one of these treatments for a month.

4. Home recipe for erectile dysfunction is a carrot

Chinese planners have considered carrot as a good remedy for treating erectile dysfunction due to their aphrodisiac properties and high beta carotene content.
Mix three medium-sized carrots, three celery stalks, half-medium beetle seeds and one juicer one to two garlic. Drink a glass of this juice daily once or twice.
Grinding with a glass of hot milk can be another option for drinking two teaspoons of carrots. Eating a raw carrot salad daily can also help.

5. The remedy for impotence is pomegranate

Due to eating antioxidant pomegranate daily, it can protect men against erectile dysfunction. It helps in blood circulation and also helps in reducing stress.
Apart from this, it helps in increasing nitrite oxide levels in the body, which in turn increases blood circulation. Drink a glass of juice of pomegranate juice every day.
You can also take pomegranate supplements but consult your doctor before taking supplements.

6. Ginger is the home remedy for impotence

According to botanists, ginger is another good solution. There are aphrodisiac qualities that help in eradicating ejaculation and premature ejaculation. In addition, active compounds such as Gingerol, Shaul, and Zingbirion in ginger stimulate blood circulation.
Mix one tablespoon of ginger juice with a soft boiled egg and a spoon of honey. Eat this mixture once before going to sleep for a month.
The second option is to prepare a mixture of ginger paste and two teaspoons of honey. Eat it three times a day for a month or two.

7. Remedy for Nomination Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise

After the practice of three-month regular pelvic floor muscles, a small study on 55 men saw improved penile function and six months later 40 percent of men had regained the normal erection function. That is, the name can be taken from these exercises.
Identify your pelvic floor muscles. The muscles you use for your pelvic floor muscles are the same when you do it while doing the exercise. When you shrink these muscles then your testicles get up. Now that you know where these muscles are, then they will hold them for 5 to 20 seconds and then leave them in normal form.
Repeat this exercise together 10 to 20 times, you can practice this three to four times a day.

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