Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Emotional States and the 9 Kinds of Pain They Cause

1. Headache
Headaches are usually a telltale sign of the body suffering a lot of stress. When they become intense or chronic, it might be a good idea to see the doctor, as there might be an underlining health problem – but sometimes a really good idea is to simply take the time to relax and ease everyday stress that way. Pleasant activities like napping, meditating of just doing whatever relaxes you, for example your favorite hobby is usually a good way to go.

2. Neck Pain
Neck pain may be an indicator of stress caused by unresolved issues. Take the time to consider forgiving yourself or others, or just sit back and think about the things you love in other people.

3. Shoulder pain
Consistent pain in your shoulders might mean a really heavy emotional load that you are carrying. They don’t have the saying “shouldering a problem” for nothing.  A good way to go is to focus in taking a more active role in resolving your problems, and sharing a part of your burden with your friends.

4. Upper Back Pain.
An indicator that you don’t have enough emotional support, which is vital for good emotional and physical health. Deep emotional problems usually end up as physiological problems. If you feel unloved or unwanted, maybe it’s time to change something in your habits, or your attitude towards yourself. Go out if you’re single, take the time to hang out and share with friends if you are lonely. Sometimes the solution can be as simple as that.

5. Lower Back Pain.
Insistent pain in your lower back might mean you’re might be worried about financial matters. Money can be a problems that tends to stick, however a good idea is to finally ask for that raise make other financial plans.

6. Elbow Pain.
Elbow pain means that you try to resist making a change in your life. Stiffness in your arms may indicate stiffness in your life as well. It’s time to start making compromises and shake things up a little bit.

7. Hand Pain
Pain in your hands means that you don’t have a habit of reaching out to other people when you need it. You should think about making new friends – schedule a lunch with some co-worker for example, simply make an effort in bonding with another person.

8. Hip Pain.
Are you too scared of moving around? Are you afraid of moving on or changing habits? Think about your cautiousness when it comes to deciding something, and consider whether you should make an effort to make a change.

9. Knee Pain

Pain in your knees can be a sure sign that you have a bit of an ego problem, and your opinion of yourself might be a bit too high. There is something to be said about humility. Try spending time doing volunteer work for example, or caring for others in general.

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