Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Guava leaves are very beneficial natural products that are used for treating different health problems some of them being very serious problems.

Hair – Guava leaves are great and powerful natural product for treating hair loss. They contain the much needed vitamin B complex for treating hair loss and for stimulating hair growth: acid, thiamine, folate, pyridoxine, pantothenic, niacin and riboflavin.

You can make your homemade treatment for treating these issues.

All you need is handful of guava leaves and water.

Take the guava leaves and put them in 1 liter of water. Mix them together and boil them for 20 minutes. Put the mixture aside and let it cool down. Leave it on a room temperature. Once cooled strain the leaves and massage the scalp with the prepared tea. Leave it on for 2 hours. Wash the hair after 2 hours.

Weight loss – These leaves can be used in the process of losing weight.  They stop the process of carbohydrates to turn into sugar that way making the appetite to decrease.

Cancer – The tea from guava leaves is effective in the treatment of prostate enlargement and cancer.

Fertility – It`s excellent for the treatment of male fertility problems.

Diabetes – This tea reduces and maintains the blood sugar levels normal and it doesn`t stimulate the secretion of insulin in the body. It`s great for people who suffer from diabetes.

Skin allergies and rushes – Crushed guava leaves can be put on affected parts of the skin for calming the itchiness that allergies cause.

Infections – For preventing infection to happen crash some guava leaves and put them on the small cuts, abrasions and scratches. With guava leaves tea you can even treat outer ear infections. Prepare the tea and let it cool down. Put couple of drops in the infected area.

Dengue Fever – For the treatment of this problem boil 5 cups of water with 9 guava leaves. Boil it until the quantity is reduced by half.

Guava leaves tea is effective even when it comes to diarrhea and dysentery because it has antimicrobial properties.

It helps in case of food poisoning and if you have upset stomach.

It`s also great for diminishing the levels of the bad Cholesterol LDL without having any effect on the good cholesterol HDL in the blood.

For the treatment of problems in the oral cavity, for eliminating toothache, sores of inflamed gums you need to chew some guava leaves.

You can even use the guava leaves as a face scrub. Crash some leaves and mixes them with small amount of water. Scrub your face with the mixture to get rid of blackheads completely naturally without using regular commercial scrubs that are filled with chemicals.

This mixture can also be used as anti-aging treatment. It shows excellent results.

Since it contains a lot of vitamin C it can be used for eliminating the annoying pimples and acne.

These are some of the benefits of the guava leaves for your body and your health and since they are completely natural products you can use them whenever you like and as much as you want.

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