Thursday, July 4, 2019

What Part Of Your Body Do You Wash First? Here’s What That Says About Your Personality

When it comes to personal hygiene, we all have an individual routine. Some people wash their face first, while others start with their arms. Up until know, there was no deeper meaning to this, but now experts are saying that the part of your body you wash first reveals interesting things about your personality.


If you wash your face first, it indicates that you’re a materialist who puts money in front of everything else. You take people for granted and life is a big inconvenience for you. You’re not worried about the opinion of others, and you’re a self-centered person who thinks the world revolves around them.


If you’re a person who likes to wash their chest first, you’re a practical individual who always gets to the point head on. You don’t want to be distracted when on a serious task, and you’re impatient about people who don’t see things their way. You’re a good lover that always likes to try new challenges.


If you choose to wash your hair first, you’re an artistic person who is often daydreaming. These people may lack dedication, but they’re tireless workers. Money is not an important point for them, and they usually hang out with likeminded people. These people are great lovers and want to explore their sexual desires. They have a unique inner strength and talent that they can rely on.


People who wash their armpits first are hard-working and dependable, and are usually down to Earth even if they are popular. They can get in trouble often as they are not a good judge on character.


Underachievers always start washing their body from the shoulders. These people have been known to fail often, and usually spend their time alone. People who wash their shoulders first are gamblers and heavy drinkers, and consider the world hell. They don’t have luck in their life, and are generally a bad sexual partner.

Private parts

If you start washing your body from the privates, you’re a bullied person with low self-esteem. These people don’t have a large group of friends, and give up easily when facing a challenge. However, they are great lovers. They pick their friends and love interest carefully, and can open themselves up only to a few people.

Other body parts

If you wash other body parts than the aforementioned, you’re an average type of Joe. These people don’t know how to display their inner strength, and are likeable in general, although they have more than one flaw. Instead of hiding their weaknesses, they need to learn how to display their unique side, and they’ll surely gain friends.

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