Wednesday, August 28, 2019

11 Ways to Look Like You, Only Better, On Your Wedding Day

Simple beauty tricks and tools that any bride can use to boost her natural assets

11 Ways to Look Like You, Only Better, On Your Wedding Day
From: Brides

You want to look and feel your best when you slip into your wedding dress, and sometimes that means switching up your routine a bit. Before you start walking down the aisle, consider these small beauty tweaks—a professional teeth whitening, a tough-as-nails manicure, and even a salt-free diet—that work with, not against, your natural assets.


Start Self-Tanning

Lots of brides want a touch of just-back-from-Ibiza radiance. But while a spray tan can be fraught with peril (streaks! spots! pumpkin-colored palms!), liquid and powder bronzers put you firmly in control of your beauty destiny. Start your self-tanning regime at least one month before the wedding day so you grow into your glow.


Choose a Signature Scent

Sniffing out a pretty wedding-day perfume will be one of the most delicious parts of your journey. You'll want to try plenty of options (plus you'll need leave enough time to see how they wear through the day) so it's best to start experimenting at least four weeks before the big day.

Whiten Your Smile

If you really want a radiant smile in your wedding photos, whitening your teeth can make a big difference. If your dentist offers an in-office whitening procedure, book an appointment at least two weeks before the big day to avoid post-bleaching gum sensitivity. At-home whitening treatments like strips and gels can also work wonders. To maintain a bright smile, avoid stain-causing foods and drinks like blueberries, black coffee, and red wine.


Get a Gel Manicure

While we don't advocate making them a weekly habit, gel manicures, when done correctly, give your nails a near-perfect shine and are almost 100% guaranteed not to chip. That means you can grab your favorite shade of polish, head to the salon for a pre-wedding day color fest, and forget about it. No touch-ups required.


Touch Up Your Hair Color

For color that looks fresh but still natural, a quick touch up is all you need. Covering your roots will boost your confidence and a few highlights will instantly lighten your look. Nothing major, mind you.


Add an Extra Set of Lashes

Appear bright eyed in your wedding photos by extending the length of your lashes. Applying a set of false lashes takes some practice, so plan accordingly. Start with an inexpensive pair and build up to a professional-quality set. Soon you'll be batting your lashes like a pro.


Wax One Last Time

Swap shaving for regular waxing treatments to reduce hair growth, and book a final wax treatment one week before the wedding. Sun can irritate just-waxed skin, which could put a damper on your tropical honeymoon.


Catch Some ZZZs

Your body and skin repairs itself while you're sleeping, so make sure you're logging at least eight hours a night in the days leading up to your wedding. A good night of sleep not only leads to a better complexion, it helps with destressing too.


Ditch Salty Snacks

Salty snacks are notorious for causing water retention, and even the slightest bit of bloat can wreak major havoc on you expertly-tailored wedding dress. Instead, add more water-rich fruits and fresh veggies to your diet.


Drink Buckets of Water

Keep a water bottle with you in the days leading up to your wedding and guzzle your way to glowing skin. Studies show water works wonders for both your complexion and energy level.


Squeeze in a Massage

Book a last-minute massage to ensure a blissed-out trip down the aisle. 
11 Ways to Look Like You, Only Better, On Your Wedding Day

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