Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Abortion Care: 7 Self-Care Tips

After abortion women need intense health care to regain her energy. Here are some self care tips after abortion which can be beneficial.

Abortion Care: 7 Self-Care Tips
After an abortion, most women will be provided with an overview of what to expect during the recovery process, as well as specific advice relating to their situation. However, in addition to this overview, the following self-care tips can also be beneficial…

Avoid physical activity

For a few weeks following the procedure, it is generally advised to avoid heavy exercise or physical strain in order to ensure the body has the chance to heal. Rest is advised, especially when women feel physically unwell or tired - as is very common. For those who would prefer to exercise, it’s best to stick to very low-impact options, such as gentle walking, cycling, or yoga, and to stop if any discomfort develops.

Seek emotional support

The emotional reaction to an abortion can be complex, especially due to the hormonal changes that take place within the body. Many women find that reaching out to abortion support groups is beneficial to their emotional well-being and allows them to find the assistance they need.

Use sanitary pads for bleeding

There can sometimes be a higher risk of infection following an abortion, so it is generally advised that sanitary pads should be used rather than tampons to manage any bleeding. Menstrual cups should also be avoided for at least two weeks.

Try different pain management options

Some pain is common after an abortion, so most women will need to consider some form of pain management or relief. Over-the-counter medication can (if agreed by a doctor) be useful, as can self-massage; gently massaging the lower abdomen can help reduce any pain, as well as encouraging uterine tissue to pass. Some women also find that applying heat can be beneficial.

Seek comfort

In an effort to aid recovery, focusing on establishing comfortable surroundings can be very beneficial. Choose to wear comfortable clothing and spend time eating favored foods, watching familiar TV shows, reading books, and anything else that helps encourage a calm, gentle recovery period.

Try keeping a journal

Many women find that writing a journal of their experience both of the abortion itself and the recovery process is very helpful to their well-being, as it helps to externalize their thoughts. Not everyone will find journaling useful, but it could well be worth trying just to see if doing so offers any benefits to each individual.

Remember there is no “right” way to behave

The responses women have, and the actions they take, in response to an abortion vary. There is no “right” response, or choices to make, following an abortion - women usually have to go with what feels right and makes the most sense to them, and their own personal feelings.

In conclusion

The advice from the provider, in combination with the tips above, should help to ensure the recovery process is as straightforward as possible. However, if women are in particular discomfort, develop a fever, or are bleeding excessively (requiring more than one sanitary pad per hour), then seeking further advice from a doctor is always strongly recommended.

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