Saturday, February 1, 2020

Can You Slow Down Aging?

New studies show how we might someday fight aging where it lives: inside our own cells.

New studies show how we might someday fight aging where it lives: inside our own cells. 

Can You Slow Down Aging?
Beauty may be only skin-deep, but aging goes all the way down into our very cells. That, at least, has been the consensus of scientists studying the reasons we all grow older. But now two groundbreaking studies hint at radical new ways in which we might slow down and even stop the march of time. 

Restoring Youth

The problem begins with the fact that our cells, like our selves, have a finite life span. After dividing about 50 times, many types of cells reach what's called the Hayflick limit, where they simply run out of gas and quit multiplying. This, it's long been thought, is why we lose our youthful ability to regenerate and heal: Things sag, bag, and go kaput.

But more recently scientists have realized that the real problem is what those cells do after they're done dividing. At that point, they can enter a so-called senescent state, where they're basically retired but not dead. Rather than just sit there quietly, however, senescent cells can spew out a toxic brew of inflammatory factors that poisons the cells around them, like the ultimate bad neighbors. Some researchers believe they could be partly responsible for some of the worst aspects of aging—everything from cataracts to cancer.

"Senescent cells are clearly bad and clearly contribute to the aging process," says Laura Niedernhofer, a DNA researcher at the Scripps Institute in Jupiter, Florida. "So there's been a race to find drugs that can target them."

In March, that race took a huge leap forward. A study co-authored by Niedernhofer showed that two relatively well-known compounds appeared to kill senescent cells in mice while leaving normal cells intact. Previously, senescent cells had been thought to be hard to isolate and purge. But in mice whose muscles had been prematurely aged by radiation, the combination was shown to restore their youthful spring. Elderly mice on the same treatment experienced improved heart function. Even better, both compounds have already been cleared for other uses: Dasatinib is an FDA-approved leukemia drug, and quercetin is a common antioxidant flavonoid sold as a supplement that is found in, among other things, cilantro, onions, capers, and, of course, kale.

In other studies, zapping senescent cells has also been shown to stem the loss of subcutaneous fat, a "good" kind of fat that makes skin appear smooth but that we lose with age. "We hope that clearing senescent cells will have widespread health benefits," says Judith Campisi, a cell and molecular biologist at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging in Marin County, California, who has studied cell senescence for more than two decades. According to Cam pisi, those benefits may include preventing atherosclerosis, osteoarthritis, some cancers, and Parkinson's disease—and several other senescent-clearing drugs are being studied.

Clinical trials are already being planned for the dasatinib–quercetin combination, but study senior author James Kirkland, director of the Robert and Arlene Kogod Center on Aging at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, warns that it's too soon for people to use them. "I think it's really dangerous for people to take these drugs before we know what all the side effects could be," he says. 

Exercise in a pill?

Another trouble spot in our cells is the mitochondria, the tiny cellular energy plants that convert nutrients to fuel. As we get older, mitochondria lose their ability to function—perhaps contributing to cell senescence—but scientists have long noted that exercising seems to help keep them in tune. A team at the University of Southern California Leonard Davis School of Gerontology identified a peptide produced in the mitochondria that appears to mimic many of the benefits of exercise, such as improved metabolism and increased insulin sensitivity; mice who were injected did not become obese, despite eating all they wanted.

"It acts like exercise; that's very clear," says study senior author Pinchas Cohen of the peptide, called MOTS-c. "It increases energy expenditure, which is what we measured." MOTS-c is one of four mitochondrial peptides being researched by CohBar, a biotechnology company cofounded by Cohen. But, he cautions, any "exercise pill" is at least five years away—which means you still have to hit the gym, for now.

Can You Slow Down Aging?

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