Monday, February 17, 2020

Diaphragmatic Breathing and its Benefits [Deep Breathing] - Smeh Beautytips

What is Diaphragmatic Breathing?

Diaphragmatic Breathing is a type of breathing exercise in which one breath with the belly. It's done by contracting the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a muscle that separates the abdomen from the chest. When air inhales, the chest doesn't rise but belly expand. This breathing technique is also known as belly breathing or abdominal breathing exercise.

How to do Diaphragmatic Breathing?

Diaphragmatic breathing exercises can be done in standing, sitting, and lying positions. Find a calm place to lay down on the back, sit down or stand. Place one hand on the chest and one hand on the belly. Inhale air slowly through the nose and feel the belly rise. During this process, try to keep a hand on the chest as still as possible. Exhale air through pursed lips and feel the belly flatten. Repeat this process 10 times. Do this breathing exercise in all three positions twice a day.

Diaphragmatic Breathing Benefits:

  • It improves heart rate by dilating blood vessels which result in lowering blood pressure. Slower deep breathing relaxes the brain and gets it to the relaxation state which also slows down the body and improves digestion. Deep breathing in stressful situations helps the body to react calmly while facing challenges - not only good for the heart but for overall health.
  • It improves muscle core stability and the ability to withstand more exercises as it increases intense exercise tolerance in the body.
  • This breathing gives warmness to the hands and feet. 
  • Practicing diaphragmatic breathing daily increases energy and motivation.
  • A large percentage of people shallow breathe (also known as chest breathing). This shallow breathing is linked to increased anxiety and stress levels. When one breathe from the chest, it doesn't fill up all the lung with air and leave the lower lung oxygen-deprived. This process signals the brain that lungs are not getting enough oxygen and triggers stress. Diaphragmatic breathing lowers the stress hormone cortisol by full filling the lungs with oxygen and makes one feel relax.
  • This practice improves the immune system and concentration.
  • It increases blood oxygenation as oxygen-rich blood found most on the lower part of the lungs that circulates other parts of the body.
  • Diaphragmatic breathing reduces oxidative stress caused by exercise and other intense physical activities.

Abdominal Breathing Vs Chest Breathing:

In chest breathing, air moves the rib cage and diaphragm is active but its dome doesn't descend too far. Rib cage expands to the sides, front and back while in diaphragmatic breathing air moves to the belly keeping rib cage in still position so as to rise the belly.

In chest breathing, the diaphragm doesn't use as much while shoulder and neck muscle overuse. This causes upper body tension and pain in the muscles. In diaphragmatic breathing, muscles in between ribs raise the rib cage so as to help the diaphragm let enough air to the lungs without giving overstress to the body.

Diaphragmatic Breathing Video:

On can see 'How to Practice Belly Breathing' in this video and can practice it daily.

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