Tuesday, March 24, 2020

101 Keto Diet Tips to Keep You Motivated

Need some keto diet tips to keep you going? We've got 101! Straight from experts and other keto lovers. They cover what to eat, how to stay prepared and motivated and other tips for keto success.

101 Keto Diet Tips to Keep You Motivated
By Lisa Mulcahy, Parade

Are you living the keto diet lifestyle and seeing results? Terrific! Keto can be challenging, as you know by now, though. Whether you’re at the start of your weight-loss journey, or you’ve been all in for a while, some good keto diet tips for keeping up that progress can really give you a boost, physically and emotionally. You can enjoy so many more foods than you think on keto—and feel great on the plan every single day. Here’s all the insider info you need. You’ve so got this!

101 keto diet tips

1. See your doctor regularly.

You want to make sure you’re getting all the nutrients you need while you’re doing keto, and that your overall health is in tip-top shape.

2. Review the basics continually.

Knowledge is power!

3. Keep your keto diet food list handy. There are so many foods to integrate.

4. Make a keto smoothie for a fast, easy meal.

5. Eat with your friends (yes, even on keto).

You can still enjoy a good dinner party at home—these keto appetizers are great to make any time of year.

6. Enjoy a treat every day that’s keto-friendly.

These keto frozen drinks fit the bill perfectly.

7. And dessert … yes … go for it!

Indulge that need for some creamy delight by making yourself keto cheesecake, because you deserve it!

8. Plan a keto-friendly holiday meal.

Easter is just around the corner, and these keto Easter recipes will have you covered.

9. Add a keto pie to your menu, too.

Healthy Now Tip

Start your day with lemon water. The citric acid helps break down any food in your stomach for easier digestion.

From Our Partners at the Cleveland Clinic

10. Start the day off strong.

Hearty and tasty keto breakfast recipes will get you going.

11. Ease off carbs.

If it’s tough to go cold turkey, consider gradually tapering off your carbs, so there’s not so much of a shock to your system. Sometimes slower progress to ketosis can feel better.

12. Consider mixing keto with intermittent fasting.

If your doctor gives you the OK, here are some key guidelines.

13. Work out a little more.

Exercise will help eliminate the glycogen in your system, helping you burn calories on keto more efficiently.

14. Use coconut oil to cook.

It’s rich in MCTs, triglycerides that absorb well; when they hit your liver, they become the perfect tool to provide you the energy you need.

15. Monitor your carb level closely.

A good rule of thumb is to keep your intake to 20-40 grams per day so you keep a healthy nutrient level. Talking to a nutritionist is a great idea, so you can figure out the precise number that’s right for your body.

16. Keep up your protein.

Don’t skimp just because you think cutting calories will get you toward your goal. Consistently eating protein will get you to ketosis more easily at the start of your diet, and also if you take a keto break but then want to get back on the horse.

17. Rock that macro tracking.

The average macro ratio breakdown for a keto diet looks like the following:

  • 5% of calories from carbs
  • 25% of calories from protein
  • 70% of calories from fat

18. Also keep in mind:
  • The carbs you eat count for 4 calories per each gram
  • The protein you eat counts for 4 calories per each gram
  • The fats you eat count for 9 calories per each gram.

19. Definitely use a digital tracker, like MyFitnessPal or Carb Manager.

You’ll stress without one. Make your calculations as simple as you can.

20. Be prepared to lose your appetite.

When you achieve ketosis, it’s normal not to be as hungry anymore. You still want to make sure you’re taking in enough protein and fats to maintain your progress, though, so eat regularly.

21. Avocados are your friend.

If you do find you’re not as hungry as you progress, avocado is easy to get down, digests easily, and tastes great, so you’ll still maintain ketosis.

22. Stop if you feel too hungry.

Once you’ve been on keto for a few weeks, you should not be suffering major hunger pangs. If you are, the diet may not be for you, and there is no reason to suffer. Look into another diet plan.

23. Don’t compare yourself to others on the diet.

OK, you started at the same time your work pal did and she’s lost 10 pounds more than you already. Everyone’s body reacts differently to keto—don’t be discouraged. Just go at your own pace.

24. Prepare to feel smarter.

Ketosis is known to knock out brain fog. This might be a great time to start a new project at work that requires intense concentration, if that feels right to you.

25. Don’t improvise with your foods.

Sneaking bites of an Oreo, being a little sloppy when you go out to dinner, or taking a few keto-free days here and there can derail your progress fast. You need to commit to keto or not go there. It’s up to you.

26. Beware the keto flu.

According to Harvard Medical School, some keto dieters experience headache, foggy brain, fatigue, irritability, nausea, difficulty sleeping and constipation two to four days after starting the plan. “Keto flu” is not a medically recognized condition, so try to wait it out until your body hits ketosis and then you should feel better. Make sure you’re getting enough calories, and drink water—these steps may ease your symptoms in the meantime.

27. Follow a set meal plan.

Eat at the same times every day, so your body processes your food in a consistent pattern.

28. Watch out if you’ve got health complications.

If you’re pregnant or suffer from chronic disease, keto is not going to be for you. Never start it if you have any existing condition without your doctor’s OK.

29. Plan your meals ahead of time.

Taking 15 minutes at the start of each morning to ask yourself, “What do I feel like eating today?” saves time and guesswork later.

30. Eat at home rather than at restaurants.

If your best friend is having a birthday dinner, eat dinner first so you’re not hungry, then nurse sparkling water at the event. That way you can attend without being hungry, and focus your attention on the fun you’re having.

31. Pack your lunch.

Navigating the cafeteria at work is most likely going to be some degree of frustrating on keto. You may want to do lunch there occasionally to break up any boredom, but you’re better off bringing lunch from home to stay in control.
32. Do keto with a buddy.

Like that work pal we talked about earlier—it’s fantastic to have support on the journey.

33. Hate Keto? Quit now.

Are you a month in and you really aren’t having fun? It’s fine to stop. Don’t torture yourself! You might find Whole30 a better fit.

34. Take selfies as you lose weight. So very motivating!

35. Test consistently.

Monitor your ketosis state though urine tests, a breath test or a blood test. You can get the equipment for urine and breath testing online, although it can be pricey, and is not always 100% accurate in terms of results. Blood tests do provide more accuracy—if they are uncomfortable, try to go to the doctor to do one at a set time per month, and then monitor with a less painful process the rest of the time.

36. Know the no-go foods like your own name.

And then don’t go there. We are talking any kind of sugar, any kind of flour or grains and processed snacks or junk.

37. Re-evaluate which keto plan is best for you.

When you’ve been on keto for a while, you may find that a variant of the diet piques your interest and is better for your body. Check out the following keto subtypes:

38. The Clean Keto Diet.

It’s whole-foods based: healthy fats/oils, quality meats/protein, veggies, bone broth, seasoning, and probiotics.

39. Keto-cycling.

You consume a very low amount of carbs for five days, then up your carb level so you refill your body’s glycogen reserves. May make you feel less tired.

40. The Modified Keto Diet.

You eat a little more carbs and protein than a traditional keto plan allows. It may make staying in ketosis a bit harder, but is easier to maintain for some people.

41. The Ketotarian Diet.

A plant-based keto plan.

42. Eco-keto diet.

A vegan keto plan.

43. Avoid doing “dirty keto.”

This essentially means you consistently splurge on something super-processed—like a gooey burger with cheese, bacon and mayo—rather than relying on more healthy, measured keto choices. It’s technically keto, but it can up your risk of health issues like cardiovascular disease.

44. Sleep more.

You may be more tired in the early stages of keto: 7-9 hours of ZZZs per night will help get you over the hump.

45. Re-evaluate your diet goals.

If you find you’re not losing as much as you’d like to after being on keto for a month—or you’re maybe even losing too fast—it’s OK to make caloric adjustments. Just don’t cut back too much or start eating more to the point where you’re gaining back your weight.

46. Drink lots of water.

Hydration is a fantastic way to keep your body processes humming along, so you keep making weight loss progress.
=47. Skip the cheat day.

You can get to your goals faster if you don’t take it, and your level of ketosis has a better chance of staying stable.

48. Expect a change in your thinking.

As you stay in ketosis, your brain may function better, and you find you can solve more problems.

49. Expect to have more energy.

When you hit that energy sweet spot, use it on work or hobbies and enjoy it!

50. … but pace yourself at first.

Don’t do too much too soon. Your body is working hard for you right now—treat it with TLC.

51. Don’t obsess.

You should not be thinking about what to eat next on keto 24 hours a day. Yes, the diet is intense especially at first, but it doesn’t have to be the whole focus of your day.

52. Don’t freak out if you make a mistake.

And you will—you’ll eat the wrong food or the wrong amount. You’re human. Let it go, it’s fine.

53. Try a wide variety of beverages.

You can start with a delicious cup of coffee and also enjoy the following yummy liquids:

54. Tea

Check out all the health benefits of green tea.

55. Bone broth

This can help keep your electrolytes balanced.

56. Sugar-free nut milk

57. Monitor your skin.

You may find you’re breaking out a little more. Or you may find your acne suddenly clearing up. Diets can change how your skin acts and reacts, so change your skin care routine accordingly if you need to.

58. Monitor your mood.

Are you happy on keto? Back to #32: If not, it’s OK to give it up at any time.

59. Write down questions you think of.

Run them past your doctor or nutritionist on a regular basis so you can tweak your intake as you go forward.

60. Buy new jeans every 10 pounds down.

Jeans are the best clothing item on earth for showing off weight loss—treat yourself!

61. Take it 30 days at a time.

If you see you’ve hit a plateau you can’t change by mixing up your foods or adding in a little more exercise, you may have gone as far as you can go on keto—which is OK. Try another plan.

62. Know you’re going to get bored.

That’s the time to search your food lists and try a protein, like an exotic seafood, you’ve never had before.

63. Avoid underground foods.

If they live in the dirt, on keto, they’re gonna hurt. Don’t derail your progress by eating corn, peas or artichokes.

64. Skip potatoes, too.

Try these low-carb alternatives instead.

65. Avoid sweet fruits such as bananas, pineapples, oranges, apples, pears, peaches and mangoes.

66. Skip fruit smoothies.

67. Don’t have more than 3/4 ounces of dairy per day.

68. Skip energy drinks—they’re sugar and carb-rich.

69. Try a keto egg fast to challenge yourself to try new egg recipes.

70. Make sure the bacon you choose reads as no sugar on the label.

71. Oatmeal is the devil. It’s healthy—but a carb paradise. Skip it at all costs.

72. As you move toward your goal weight, check your happy level.

Again! Are you feeling good? Keep going, girl!

73. Make sure your progress is fast enough for you.

Are you within realistic goal weight length at the time you expected, or too far off? Talk to your doctor about safe ways to accelerate on keto at this time to stay on track.

74. As you get closer to your goal, don’t over-exercise.

Slow and steady wins the race. Be patient, and don’t exhaust yourself.

75. Don’t over-fast if you combine keto and IF. It’s just plain dangerous any time.

76. Fish for compliments.

It’s fine and fun to mention you’re on keto and have lost weight—the people in your life will praise you, and that’s motivating.

77. Check your keto breath.

Dieting can give you bad breath sometimes. Keep Altoids on you and don’t stress about it.

78. Trust your gut.

If your stomach feels upset or hurts on keto, tell your doctor. It may be a sign to stop.

79. Watch for food allergies—they can occur if you start eating more unfamiliar foods.

80. Don’t try too many new foods at once.

Weave one or two new foods into your diet weekly so your body reacts well to the change.

81. Yet rotate, rotate, rotate.

Eating a wide variety of healthy foods on keto keeps your nutrient levels strong, and prevents boredom to boot.

82. Cook and freeze.

On Sunday, set up your meals this way for the week to save time.

83. Expect backsliding.

You may lose five pounds and then regain it for no reason at all. It’s not you—it’s your body’s natural adjustment. Shrug it off and keep going forward.

84. Experiment with keto sweeteners.

85. Get inspired by seeing what celebs have said about keto.

86. Shop at big-box stores, so you’ll always have keto staples on hand.

87. Take a day to organize your fridge so the best foods are top of mind.

88. Add intervals to your workout.

“Ketoadaptation occurs when your body relies on fat as fuel rather than carbohydrates. Interval training depletes the body of carbohydrate stores much faster than traditional cardio,” Jacob Wilson, PhD, author of The Ketogenic Bible told Parade.com.

89. Revisit the South Beach Diet.

The old faithful is now considered keto-friendly.

90. Call in reinforcements.

Services like Snap Kitchen will send keto-friendly prepared meals—tailored to your exact macros—right to your door. Perfect for hectic weeks or if you just need a break from cooking.

91. Keep keto snacks at the ready.

92. Learn to love cabbage—there are tons of great keto cabbage recipes.

93. Invest in an Instant Pot for quick keto meals.

94. Swap chicken breasts for chicken thighs.

95. Look to Asian cuisine for inspiration.

96. Have a few go-to keto comfort food recipes for days you need to indulge.

97. Learn to love keto fat bombs.

98. Have a post-keto diet plan in place.

Plan a healthy, moderated eating plan that you can stick with.

99. The Mediterranean diet is a vitamin-packed, delicious post-keto choice for many.

100. Give yourself lots of praise. You deserve it!
101. Know when to quit.

Hit your goal weight? Celebrate—and thank keto for all it’s done for you!

See more at; Parade

101 Keto Diet Tips to Keep You Motivated

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