Wednesday, March 11, 2020

What To Do When You Can’t Get Pregnant

You have been trying to get pregnant for a few months, but nothing seems to be happening. Do not get frustrated. You are not alone in this. Here are some tips to follow to get pregnant.

By Sara Martinez
You are completely ready to be a parent. You cannot wait to get pregnant. You are excited to welcome a new life into the world. But for one reason or another, it just doesn’t seem to be happening for you and your partner.
You have been trying to get pregnant for a few months and nothing seems to be happening. It’s upsetting and frustrating, however you’re not alone. Fertility problems are actually extremely common. Did you know that around 11 percent of couples struggle to get pregnant and that after one year of unprotected sex, 15 percent of couples still aren’t pregnant?
When you’re struggling to get pregnant you can feel extremely overwhelmed and stressed out, not knowing what you should or shouldn’t do. Should you try one of those detox cleanses that are meant to help boost fertility? Should you throw out your microwave? Should you resign yourself to a life with no children? What should you do?
It’s not easy knowing how to cope when you struggle to get pregnant. However, the tips below will help to make coping - and knowing what steps to take - that little bit easier.

Start tracking your ovulation

If you don’t already track your ovulation, now is a good time to start. Download the Flo app from the app store and begin tracking your menstrual cycles and ovulation. This will help you to determine when you are ovulating and when the best time is to have sex.
You can also opt to buy ovulation sticks or invest in a specialist ovulation monitor, such as from ClearBlue or NaturalCycles.
Once you know when you are ovulating, aim to only have sex during those few days, as by waiting you up your chances of concieving.

Speak to your doctor

If you are worried about your inability to fall pregnant and have been trying to conceive for over 12 months, then it is a good idea to speak to your doctor to ask them for some advice going forward.
The chances are that the advice they will suggest is that you and your partner undergo some basic fertility tests. You will need a gynecological exam and an ultrasound, while your partner will need a sperm count test.
By undergoing these tests, you can gain a better idea of what’s going on when it comes to your fertility. If there is an issue, you can better understand what’s going on and how best to deal with it.

Consider your options

Once you have your test results back, you can then think about your options. If it is not good news and there is an issue, it’s important to try and stay positive and focus on the options you do have, not the ones you don’t.
You could opt to learn more about IVF treatment and surrogacy from a specialist fertility clinic like Advanced Fertility, for instance. By understanding the options you have available, you can help to make coping with the situation that little bit easier.
It is important to remember that even if there is no hope for you to have a baby yourself, there are other options to consider, such as surrogacy and adoption.
Struggling to get pregnant can be extremely difficult, especially when you don’t know what’s causing the issue or what steps to take next. Hopefully, the tips above have helped you to become more informed about the steps you should take, if you are struggling to get pregnant.

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