Monday, April 20, 2020

5 Natural Ways to Optimize Weight Loss

Trying to lose weight, but can't always get to the gym? Are you working out three times a week, but need an extra boost? Try these natural ideas to boost your metabolism!

5 Natural Ways to Optimize Weight Loss
From: Skinny Ms.

According to scientists, there are two ways to achieve weight loss. Either increase energy consumption or decrease energy intake (food). But did you know that there are some simple and natural things you can do to boost your metabolism, making the burning of energy easier? When you can’t work out at least 30 minutes a day, try adding these natural weight loss ideas to your daily routine! 

1. Green Tea 

5 Natural Ways to Optimize Weight Loss
Doctors have discovered ingredients in green tea that make it a powerful, healthy drink with many benefits, including weight loss. Green tea’s weight loss benefits are due to the antioxidants and the ingredient catechin polyphenol. According to Dr. Dulloo at the University of Georgia, these substances together increase fat and calorie metabolism and optimize weight loss.

2. Cinnamon 

5 Natural Ways to Optimize Weight Loss
More specifically, Ceylon cinnamon is proven to aid in weight loss when 3 to 5 grams are consumed daily. Many studies have shown a resistance to storing fat and sugar when participants consumed cinnamon after meals. The results have been impressive in terms of improving blood sugar and insulin levels. This is a great food for diabetics or to anyone who needs that extra metabolism boost. 

3. Capsaicin

5 Natural Ways to Optimize Weight Loss
This ingredient, related to genus Capsicum, can be found in jalapeno peppers and chili peppers. Capsaicin increases metabolism naturally and can also be taken as a supplement. Try adding chili peppers to your recipes. Some experts have stated that combining green tea and capsaicin in a meal can have an even greater effect on weight loss. 

4. Eat Several Small Meals Per Day

5 Natural Ways to Optimize Weight Loss
Try eating 4 to 6 small meals per day instead of three. When you are consuming small amounts of food every 2 to 3 hours, your body is in constant calorie burning mode, but when you go long periods of time without food, your body starts to hoard fat, because it is unsure when it will be given fuel again. So, try frequent, small meals each day that include plenty of fruits and vegetables to give your metabolism a boost! 

5. Drink Water 

5 Natural Ways to Optimize Weight Loss
Research has proven that drinking eight to ten 8-ounce glasses of water per day has significant effects on weight loss. Water flushes toxins that slow down your metabolic rate, and allows you to stay hydrated, which means that you can stay active and productive.

Add a few of these practices to your lifestyle and reap the rewards. Remember to balance them with a healthy eating plan and regular exercise for the ultimate boost.

5 Natural Ways to Optimize Weight Loss

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