Wednesday, April 1, 2020

5 Tasty Secrets to Beautiful Skin

Healthy skin starts from within! These 5 tasty secrets to beautiful skin are some of the best ingredients to include in your diet!

5 Tasty Secrets to Beautiful Skin

Cosmetic companies will fool you into thinking the recipe for beautiful skin lies in expensive creams, designer lotions, and exfoliating cleansers. Although these high-quality products certainly can’t hurt, businesses don’t want you to know that consistently healthy, radiant skin starts from deep within your body, not a jar. These 5 Tasty Secrets to Beautiful Skin can make all the difference!

Products applied topically only go so far when it comes to improving your complexion. The real recipe to beautiful, blemish-free skin lies in your kitchen! Eating the right foods and ingesting certain nutrients cleanses your system while flushing away toxins from your blood and organs. Clean blood and well-functioning organs will improve conditions on the inside, and ultimately be reflected on the outside through the quality of your skin!

Supplying your system with the right nutrients means eating clean, and making a conscious effort to avoid processed foods, refined sugars, and drugs. Luckily, nourishing your body the right way doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, some of the planet’s most delicious foods contain powerful properties that’ll help you achieve a stunning, radiant complexion in no time! Add these 5 foods to your regular diet, and prepare to reap their beauty benefits.

Olive Oil

5 Tasty Secrets to Beautiful Skin
The solution to gorgeous skin lies in your kitchen pantry. That’s right- olive oil doesn’t just taste delicious when used for cooking; the superfood comes with a handful of beauty benefits as well. This versatile oil contains antioxidants such as polyphenols and Vitamin E, which fight aging and neutralize free radicals. The Vitamin E content in olive oil helps promote your skin’s elasticity and restore smoothness, while also defending against ultraviolet light.

Among the limitless recipes that call for olive oil, some of our drool-worthy favorites include: Grilled Corn on the Cob with Basil & Olive Oil or Olive Oil Honey Banana Bread.

Meanwhile, you can reap the benefits of olive oil by applying it topically. Give this hydrating DIY 2-Ingredient Face Mask a try, for example! 

Dark Chocolate

5 Tasty Secrets to Beautiful Skin
Next time you get your chocolate fix, you don’t have to feel guilty! Dark chocolate can pave the path for glowing, radiant skin, thanks to powerful skin-protecting properties such as flavonols. A powerful antioxidant, flavenols shield your skin from harmful UV rays, while battling free radicals and promoting circulation. This means younger looking skin, fewer wrinkles, and a gorgeous, dewy glow. Who knew satisfying your sweet tooth could get you radiant skin?

Although downright delicious on its own, dark chocolate tastes irresistible in these guilt-free Dark Chocolate Avocado Brownies!


5 Tasty Secrets to Beautiful Skin
Ditch the tanning beds and turn to kiwi for a gorgeous glow! Don’t let their small size fool you- these tangy treats are nutrient powerhouses! Brimming with precious skin-loving vitamins like Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, and magnesium, these squishy fruits have a whole lot to offer. Meanwhile, properties like pectin, fiber and antioxidants help ensure clear skin and prevent blemishes. Enjoy kiwi on the reg, and you’ll turn heads everywhere you go! 



5 Tasty Secrets to Beautiful Skin
Halloween’s signature squash, pumpkin, is more than just a symbol to America’s favorite spooky holiday. The superfood contains tons of properties that will help you flaunt he skin of your dreams. These include fruit enzymes and alpha hydroxy acids, nutrients that promote cell turnover and boost collagen production. A serving of pumpkin delivers zinc, a nutrient that fights acne, along with fatty acids and vitamin E, which sooth the skin and prevent signs of aging.

If you want to squeeze the super squash into your diet but don’t know where to start, these 23 Delicious Ways to Eat Pumpkin will get you on track!


Red wine

5 Tasty Secrets to Beautiful Skin
Nothing beats propping your feet up and de-stressing with a glass of wine. Fabulous as it feels to sip on some vino after a long day, the aromatic beverage has more to offer than you might think! Red wine in particular is jam-packed with antioxidants like tannin, flavonoid, and resveratrol- all of which trigger collagen production, fight aging, and promote circulation. Meanwhile, each glass delivers a great dose of anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, which cleanse your pores, fight acne, and keep breakouts at bay. So for a lustrous, healthy-looking complexion, have a drink!
5 Tasty Secrets to Beautiful Skin

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