Sunday, April 5, 2020

How to Take Care Of Your Summer Skin

Get your skin ready for summer with these 6 tips!

How to Take Care Of Your Summer Skin
From: Skinny Ms.
Everyone always talks about winter skin care and how it is important to moisturize, but what about summer? Your skin is more exposed to the elements during the summer, so it’s equally as important to protect and take care of the largest organ in your body! Here are some important things to consider and incorporate into your skin beauty routine! These are 6 ways to take care of you skin during the summer.

Protect your skin from the sun

Everyone knows that the sun can really do some damage to your skin if you are not careful. It’s a nice idea to bask in the sun and all of its glory, but not if your don’t protect yourself first! Make sure to make sunscreen application a regular habit. It’s really important to give your skins some sort of coverage, especially if you are an avid shorts and skirts enthusiast. Try opting for the spray variety for your body and a cream for your face. Try these 5 Natural Sunscreen Suggestions to get the best protection with natural ingredients.

Take care of your legs

Summer is all fun and games until you begin the tedious task of shaving. So, if you are going to shave your legs, do it right! Make sure exfoliate well to open up all the pores, so that it’s easier to get to the hair follicle when shaving. When shaving, try shaving with a more natural product like coconut oil instead of a gel or soap, so that your legs are smoother to the touch once you are finished. You can also try out a DIY Eucalyptus Shaving Cream. When you step out of the shower, make sure to moisturize so that you have no dry skin when rocking that summer dress.

Manage your pores

This tip is important for your face but goes for any part of your body. Make sure to always exfoliate to remove any dead skin cells that may be layering on. It’s really important to do so, because the “extra” layers of skin can clog up your pores. Make sure to wash your face, use toner, and moisturize twice a day. There are also extra steps you can take for Super Soft Smooth Skin to help fight bacteria and lock in moisture. Doing so will give your skin a supple feeling and a golden glow, so that you won’t even need any makeup during the summer months!

Pile on the masks

Nowadays, you can pretty much find a mask made of practically anything. With all these options, take advantage of the variety! Each and every mask does something different to your skin; whether it’s giving you a glow, opening up your pores or soothing your skin after a rough day in the sun. A few favorites are charcoal masks, mint masks, and DIY masks such as this 2-Ingredient Hydrating Face Mask

Minimize the makeup

In the summer, it can be hard to maintain a face full of makeup, so our best suggestion is to cut back. Sometimes, less is more, and this is definitely one of those situations. The less makeup you wear, the more your skin is able to breathe. Also, if you are out a lot and begin to sweat, you won’t risk having your makeup run, because you won’t have that much on! Opt for lighter option such as BB cream over foundation and tinted lip balm over lipstick. 

Drink lots of water

Of course. This is the tip we all know, but we tend to take not so seriously. Water. Water. Water. It’s really important to replenish your skin and the best way to do so is with water, which contains all the nutrients you need. For some fresh beverage options, try these 6 Best Drinks to Keep you Hydrated All Summer!

See more at: Skinny Ms.
How to Take Care Of Your Summer Skin

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