Sunday, May 10, 2020

5 Tips for Regrowing Thinning Hair Naturally

Woman's World is sharing 5 easy tips for regrowing thinning hair naturally. If you're looking for ideas that don't come from a pharmacist, we've got some ideas.

5 Tips for Regrowing Thinning Hair Naturally
By Brenda Kearns, Woman's World

It’s not just you — two in three of us are noticing more hair in our brushes these days. Thankfully, experts say IDing the reason your hair is thinning can help you thicken it up! Check out these tips for regrowing thinning hair naturally:

Savor Tuna Tacos

Just three servings of seafood weekly encourages the growth of thicker hair for 78 percent of women. Dermatologist Sam Kim, M.D., explains that seafood is rich in selenium, zinc and omega-3 fats-the building blocks of shiny, break-resistant strands. Bonus: Stanford University researchers say this nutrient trio energizes sluggish cells, restoring energy for up to 70 percent of women in two weeks!

Try Vitamin E

You can boost hair thickness by 34 percent in three months simply by taking 400 IU of a vitamin E containing “mixed tocopherols” daily (one to try: Life Extension Gamma E Mixed Tocopherols & Tocotrienols. This nutrient reduces scalp inflammation and energizes aging hair follicles. Bonus: Vitamin E eases redness and speeds the healing of rashy skin as much as 62 percent. Note: Check with your doctor before supplementing.

Sip Horsetail Tea

Horsetail tea, which tastes like strong green tea, is packed with silica, a hair-nourishing mineral that you can’t get in other brews. No wonder Brazilian researchers say sipping two mugs of horsetail tea daily increases hair thickness, luster and shine by as much as 33 percent. Bonus: Silica- rich horsetail strengthens nails too, cutting splitting by as much as 85 percent.

Cut a Guava

Guavas are nature’s best source of vitamin C, which can make hair noticeably thicker in eight weeks, suggests research. Study co-author Jay Kim, Ph.D., explains that vitamin C helps build hair-strengthening collagen. Bonus: Vitamin C boosts the production of mood-boosting serotonin. Just 1 cup of C-rich fruit daily helps you feel 45 percent happier!

Shampoo Add-In Speeds Growth

It’s sandalwood! According to British researchers, massaging sandalwood essential oil into your scalp once daily can boost the production of hair growth hormones by 25 percent. Just add 20 drops of sandalwood oil to a 16 oz. bottle of shampoo and shake well before each use.

See more at: Woman's World
5 Tips for Regrowing Thinning Hair Naturally

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