Friday, July 10, 2020

Chin Breakouts [Acne Symptoms, Causes & Treatment] - Smeh Beautytips

Are you still battling with pesky chin breakout as an adult? Do you want to know what causes them and how can you get rid of them? 

Ok! let's dive into this post to know more about this condition and the reasons behind it that you may never have thought of. 

Table of Content:

Acne is a common condition that affects the skin by giving spots, inflammation, or comedones. This happens when dead skin cells, oil, and bacteria clog hair follicles. The bacterias are responsible for infecting the clogged pores - causes skin redness.

Zits on the chin or face can occur at any stage of life but most people get affected by them during puberty. The sebaceous gland produces sebum which is an oily and waxy substance. We have been using this gland even before we were born and this gland starts producing sebum after birth. When puberty hits, sebum production increases by 500 percent - results in breakouts.

Acne is an inflammatory or non-inflammatory skin disorder and one of its symptoms includes pimples. pimples are the type of comedo which forms pustule or papules in its aggravated form while acne is a chronic condition that triggers breakout and produces pimples on the face.

Sometimes people use the word 'Pimple' for acne, however, acne is a state in which several pus-filled breakouts occur frequently on the skin while pimple is a single infected spot. If pimples are occurring often on different parts of the body then it's the sign and indication of acne.

Chin breakouts can be of different types and below is the list of their kinds that you may notice on the chin, other parts of the face, and on the body. Acne most commonly develops on the face, chest, and on the back. The following are the types and symptoms of acne.

#1 Blackheads:

When hair follicles clogged they develop small black bumps. This is a mild type of acne that usually form on the face but can also be seen on the neck, chest, back, arms, and on shoulders. On the face, they are formed mostly on the chin and on the nose tip. They are not sored or inflamed and are painless.

The factors contributing to blackheads are the overproduction of body oil. This apparently happens due to hormonal changes during the teenage and while having mensuration. Certain medications and drugs also contribute to this condition. To know, 'How to Get Rid of Blackheads', check this post.

#2 Whiteheads:

Whiteheads are white dots and they are formed by clogged pores. These clogged pores are developed when dead skin cells, oil, and bacteria trapped in them. 

Whiteheads are mostly noticed during puberty, pregnancy, and mensuration. They appear on the chin, nose tip, forehead, and on other body parts (arms, shoulder, back, chest). Nose and chin are the most affected area.

#3 Papules:

Papules are small red sore bumps and are often less than 1 cm in size. They can be of different shapes and colours. Also, they can be flat or dome in appearance. Papules' boundaries are sometimes distinct sometimes not. 

The main factors triggering this type of acne are allergic reaction, human papillomavirus (HPV virus), Seborrheic keratosis, keratosis pilaris, cherry angioma, molluscum contagiosum, and eczema. 

Papules can also lesion the skin when bug bites - bugs can carry diseases like Lyme disease which can have detrimental effects on the health. Other less common factors include psoriasis, shingles, chickenpox, lichen planus, leprosy, and acrodermatitis. 

This is not a serious acne condition but if it appears after starting certain medications or if it doesn't go away after doing home remedies for bug bites then make an appointment with the GP immediately.

#4 Pustules:

Pustules are filled with pus and look like papules but have a yellowish-white tip at its centre. The affected area is sore and can be painful when touched. They are bigger than pimples and can be found in a cluster. 

Pustules are caused by hormonal changes and this condition affects mostly young adults. These are a symptom of acne formed by clogged pores or can be an allergic reaction or insect bites. They mostly develop on the back, chest, shoulder, underarms, hairline, neck, and on the face. 

This type of acne is painful and inflamed. They need attention when developing suddenly on the face or body as this is a sign of bacterial infection.

#5 Nodules:

Nodules are the type of acne that grow deep beneath the skin. They are skin colour bumps but can go around red hue when they are sored or inflamed. It may take a couple of weeks or even months to heal this type of zit. 

This is a serious type of acne that intact deep under the skin and cannot be healed just by using over the counter products. Nodular acne is harder than cystic acne. For this kind of acne, one should make an appointment with the doctor for the check-up.

#6 Cystic Acne:

This is the gravest type of acne as it lesions deep under the skin. It develops due to infected clogged pores and people with oily skin mostly get affected by this type of spot. Cystic Acne is tender than nodular acne. People mostly affected by this condition are teens, women, and older adults with hormonal imbalances.

In this condition, one gets the painful and largest size of the pus-filled cyst that grows big bump on the surface of the skin and roots deeper into the skin as compared to other forms of acne that swell on the top of the skin. Chin is the most commonplace for cystic acne.

As this is the most severe form of acne, it can't go by just using over the counter products. Cystic acne improves by the time but for it, one needs to see by a doctor who would prescribe antibiotics for it. 

Now after knowing different types of chin breakouts, this is important to know what are the sneaky causes behind forming them.

#1 Ingrown Hair:

One of the causes of swelling bumps on the chin is not acne but ingrown hair. They look quite similar to pimples but are not actually a symptom of acne. This condition occurs after shaving the beard and red bumps grow on this area but don't find on other parts of the face. 

Ingrown hair happens when the hair doesn't come out straight from the skin pore and starts growing side way back into the skin passing the follicle wall. This process takes like a foreign invasion by the skin and in reaction, it starts swelling and giving red bumps.

To avoid developing ingrown hair, it is good to scrub the face and don't shave too close to the skin. The best is to completely eschew shaving or plucking if one can.

#2 Overproduction of Skin Oil:

The sebaceous gland produces natural skin oil known as sebum. Sebum protects and hydrates the skin. It's vital for the healthy epidermis. But when this gland is overactive, it produces more sebum thus gives oily skin. Oily skin leads to clogged pores and acne.

Parkinson's disease and hormonal medication can contribute to the overproduction of sebum.  Also during puberty, the body produces an excess of male hormones that produce excess sebum. Some conditions like pituitary, adrenal ovarian, and testicular health conditions can increase or decrease sebum production.

#3 Dead Skin Cells:

We shed almost a million dead skin cells daily and when dead skin cells not slough off from the skin often, they trap into the skin pores and combine with sebum - resulting in clogged pores and acne. Bacteria also play their part in infecting clogged pores causing inflammation and painful zits.

These skin cells (known as keratinocytes) form at the base of the epidermis and gradually move up to the surface of the skin where they die and form a layer of dead cells. There are a number of ways to remove dead skin cells and debris from the skin and for knowing about those ways read how to treat acne in this post.

#4 Increase in Hormones' Production:

The rise in the production of the hormones (androgen) causes overstimulating the oil gland that interferes with skin cell activities while producing excess sebum. This condition contributes to inflammation and when bacteria attack the hair follicles they cause P acnes.

Chin is an exciting place for the acne caused by over hormones' production. Only teens are not affected by hormonal acne but it can affect adults at any age due to an imbalance in the hormones. Women are mostly targeted by this condition during menstruation and menopause. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is also another factor that causes hormonal spots in women.

#5 Acne in Families:

Acne can cause specific genes mutation and run in families. If in the family parents had acne then it is likely to develop acne in the descendants. This is also possible that one can get severe acne if both parents had acne. It has been noted that in some families there is more tendency of shedding dead skin cells which gives clogged pores and bumps on the skin.

#6 Menstrual Cycle:

While period symptoms include abdominal cramping, bloating, headaches, mood swings, etc it can also set off a breakout. Also, those having irregular periods can notice red spots on the skin due to hormonal shifts.

This happens because estrogens are the main hormone during the first half of the menstrual cycle while progesterone is the prime hormone during the second half. When period approaches both estrogens and progesterone go to the lowest levels but testosterone (male hormones) remain constant all the month. So, now it is obvious that male hormones dominate before and during the period. This male hormone and rise of progesterone gland during the mid-cycle contribute to the overproduction of the sebaceous gland thus produces even more thick and oily sebum that triggers breakouts.

#7 Pregnancy:

Acne can be caused by hormonal shifts in pregnancy - most probably during the first and second trimesters, many women prone to zits on the skin. This happens due to an increase in the level of androgens causing excess skin oil and clogged pores. For some this production of oil is lighter and gives beautiful famous pregnancy glow but if this secretion is in overabundance, it causes acne.

#8 Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome (PCOS):

PCOS is a condition that affects the working of women ovaries. Its symptoms include irregular periods, difficulty in getting pregnant or risk during pregnancy, gain in weight, hair loss or thin hair, oily skin, and acne. 

Nearly 30% of women having polycystic ovaries syndrome fight with acne as PCOS is related to hormonal imbalance. In this case, acne spread to the chin, cheek, jawline, and upper neck where men have beards. 

PCOS causes a serious acne condition that gives painful and inflamed cyst or nodules. The reason behind this is a higher level of testosterone and generalised inflammation. A balanced diet, being physically active, and a healthy weight help women with PCOS.  

#9 Cosmetic Products:

Some cosmetic products activate acne. Acne appears as small spots or comedones on the skin. Cosmetic can make skin rough and gives tiny bumps with little to no inflammation. Try to use cosmetics containing salicylic acid and aloe vera to protect the skin from damage. 

This is a wise choice to give some break to applying cosmetics products when already prone to acne or have sensitive skin. This make-up break helps the skin to get more oxygen and it then starts healing itself. 

The ingredients in cosmetics that can trigger acne are fragrance, dyes, alcohols, acrylics, parabens, and silicones. So be aware of the ingredients when buying cosmetics. Apply make-up on the clean face. Clean make-up brushes regularly. Select cosmetic products according to your skin's needs. Don't use expired products, avoid sharing cosmetic brushes, Properly remove the make-up before sleeping, and don't wear it most of the days.

#10 Skincare Products:

Some skin care products can make skin sensitive and trigger breakouts rather than helping the skin. It's also advisable to not change skincare products often. Stick with creams and lotions that suit the skin's needs. 

Some ingredients in skincare products set off zits and before buying any new skincare, have a look at these troubling ingredients: Retinoids, exfoliants, perfume, sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium chloride, alcohol, isopropyl myristate, and isopropyl palmitate. 

#11 Medication:

Certain medication contributes to skin bumps like lithium, anticonvulsants, corticosteroids, DHEA, androgen steroids, and barbiturates. Also, some medications contain halogens (bromides and iodides) that trigger acne. Taking vitamin B6 and B12 can give breakouts. Antituberculosis drugs can make skin sensitive and cause acne. 

Apart from the medications above, there are some other drugs that activate skin purging so talk with a doctor when noticing breakout after starting a new medication.

#12 Stress:

Stress doesn't directly play a major part in provoking skin inflammation and acne but if someone is already prone to acne then it worsens the condition. 

Experiencing continual stress causes cortisol hormones to rise. This makes sebaceous gland to become overactive and it starts producing more sebum that results in clogged pores and red spots. Stress slower the process of healing which can aggregate spots and severe the condition.

Do activities that destress daily issues for example exercising, walking in nature, doing activities that you love to do, and avoiding toxic people can help to relieve stress.

#13 Poor Sleep:

As poor sleep for a prolonged period leads to stress and anxiety, it can be a cause of red spots and inflammation on the skin. There are 3 main leading factors behind developing spots and it includes sleep deprivation, stress, and sweating. According to some studies, imbalanced hormones can also contribute to poor sleep. 

Insomnia elevates stress hormones cortisol which outcome in over-functioning in the sebaceous gland. This causes excess sebum which results in clogged pores and acne. To know 'How to Get a Better Night's Sleep', check this post.

Pimples on the chin are related to hormonal imbalance. This happens due to the rise in the level of hormones androgen. Still, there is no evidence that some foods cause chin breakouts but a balanced diet is always recommended for a healthy lifestyle and of course, this improves skin health as well. 

Eating refined carbohydrates, dairy products, fast food, chocolates, foods rich in omega-3 fats, and whey protein powder in excess can aggregate acne and its inflammation. Try to add foods enriched in antioxidants to improve the acne healing process and decrease its formation. Also, lowering stress levels would help.

Chin breakouts are not considered as acne when they are caused by ingrown hair or rosacea. Ingrown hair develops after shaving and usually, men get them while rosacea is a skin condition that gives skin redness and makes blood vessels visible on the skin. This state can trigger breakouts and formed red pus-filled pimples.  It can affect anyone, however, it mostly affects middle-age fair women.

Squeezing and pimple popping is not a good idea. This process may worsen the acne, especially if doing it on your own. Sometimes pimple-popping pushes pus and bacteria under the skin more deeply and makes inflammation more severe. 

Dermatologist squeezes pimples and they follow the rules for a better outcome but it is not advisable to squeeze pimples at home. If pimples are not squeezed properly they can give permanent scars and pits.

Mild chin breakouts can be treated at home without taking medications. Have a look at the following measure to cure them at home.

#1 Wash Face:

Wash face twice a day with a mild cleanser. Don't wash the face more than twice a day as it makes skin dryer. Washing face with a mild cleanser removes debris and excess oil from the skin so lowers the chances of clogged pores. For selecting a cleanser for acne-prone skin, ask a pharmacist.

Wash face with warm water and apply cleanser in a circular motion. After applying cleanser rinse off thoroughly and then pat dries the skin with a clean towel. 

#2 Apply Ice:

Applying an ice pack on the acne can help in decreasing inflammation but before applying an ice pack, clean face thoroughly and apply warmth for 5-10 minutes. After that, rest ice pack on the affected area at 1-minute intervals as this prevents tissue damage. Repeat this process daily until the skin heals.

Ice pack doesn't work on comedones but it helps with inflammatory acne. Also, it doesn't remove pimples' contents but gives skin a soothing effect. Those who don't have ice packs can use ice cubes instead.

#3 Avoid Pimple Popping:

Avoid pimple-popping as it may spread bacteria to other pores and hair follicles. This makes the condition worse and breakout spread to the other parts of the skin. Pimple pops on its own when filling up with pus and then heal. Pimple popping can cause scarring so it's better to heal it on its own timing.

#4 Face Steaming:

Face steaming is an easy process to clean up skin pores. In this process, steam opens the skin pores and loosen debris from the skin. This helps in deep cleaning of the skin pores and it prevents pores from clogging. 

Steam face with a face steamer for 10 minutes then cleanse the face with an oil-based cleanser in a circular motion for a few minutes then wipe it off. After that, cleanse the face with a water-based cleanser for a few minutes then thoroughly wash the face. This procedure helps in clearing up acne contents and reduces the healing time. 

After cleansing the face, use a toner (cucumber based) to shrink the pores and then apply a clay mask for 10 minutes. Wash face afterward and apply hydrogen peroxide on the affected area with a cotton pad. Then use a moisturiser that suits your skin type. This is an effective method to get rid of acne fast. Do this procedure once a week for a better result.

#5 Electric Cleansing Brushes:

Cleansing brushes gives skin a glow by removing dead skin cells and excess sebum from the skin. There is a variety of cleansing facial brushes available on the market and one can see a difference in skin appearance just after first use. Also, don't apply pressure on the skin while using it as it can irritate the skin if used harshly.

#6 Avoid Skin Dryness:

Dry skin lack moisture and to overcome this, the oil gland in the skin produces more sebum. Also, dry skin is scaly and dead skin cells together with sebum clogged pores. This situation causes breakouts. 

Skin dryness is caused by an underlying condition commonly known as eczema. Treating prime cause improves skin dryness. Choose moisturiser suitable for acne-prone dry skin. 

#7  Wash Makeup Off Before Sleeping:

Never forget washing make-up off before going to bed as sleeping with makeup can clog pores and damage the skin. Wearing makeup while sleeping not just triggers acne but it is also linked to age spots and wrinkles. Skin blemishes start appearing earlier when the skin is not protected properly.

Sleeping without makeup helps the skin to rejuvenate itself. Let it relax during the night. Applying moisturiser is fine as our skin needs hydration and night time is best in repairing skin cells.

For moderate to severe acne, one needs to make an appointment with the doctor. Below are the measures that doctors would take or give advice depending on the severity of acne.

#1 Birth Control Pills:

Birth control pills can help with hormonal acne. The doctor may prescribe pills to control chin breakouts. Combination birth control pills work better for acne. Those pills contain both estrogen and progestin. They help in balancing hormones in the body and control excess skin oil. 

Those having high blood pressure or mild kidney diseases and get migraines or have a past history of migraines should discuss this with the doctor before starting pills. This is also possible that they make acne worse or first make worse then better. It may take time to find the right pills that suit the purpose with little or no harm. 

#2 Topical Ointment:

The topical ointment can help in reducing and controlling breakouts. G.P may prescribe retinoid or retinoid-like topical ointments to kill bacteria that grow zits. These ointments come in the form of creams, lotions, and gels. Always wash the face 20 minutes before applying it and are usually used once or twice a day depending on the condition.

The topical ointment can have side effects like a minor irritation, skin peeling, and burning of the skin. Sometimes it takes a month to see improvement in zits. When using topical ointments avoid prolonging or excessive sun exposure to the skin. 

#3 Antibiotics:

For treating bacteria and inflammation for moderate to severe acne, one needs to take antibiotics to kill them along with topical treatment. Again, it may take a couple of weeks to see the improvement in the condition. This treatment usually lasts for 4 to 6 months.

There is a different course of antibiotic treatment for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Always tell about all your medical conditions to the doctor before starting a new medication. Some acne pills make skin sensitive to sunlight so wear a hat and apply sunscreen when going out during a bright sunny day. 

#4 Laser Therapy:

Those having little to no success with topical and antibiotic treatments need laser therapy. This treatment is not suitable for severe cystic acne so in this case discuss the condition and medication with the dermatologist. 

Laser therapy helps in reducing acne spots and fades red scars that left after healing the acne. There are 2 to 3 treatments require at an interval of 2 to 3 weeks. Many see improvement after a few sessions but this therapy may wear off after some time. 

#5 Chemical Peels:

A chemical peel is a solution that applies to the face to remove dead skin cells and promote the growth of new cells. This procedure encourages faltering age spots, unclogging pores, and evening out skin tone. 

There are 3 sorts of chemical peels known as superficial, medium, and deep. Superficial and medium peels are not permanent but safe if done correctly. They need to be repeated on the skin in a couple of months to continually reap their benefits. While deeper peels are costly but permanent and risks are involved in them.

In superficial peels, top skin layers are sloughed off. The skin may feel tauten a few hours afterward. Regular treatments are required for skin maintenance. In medium peels, top and middle layers of the skin are removed and the skin turns brown or red for a few days afterward. In deeper peels, deep skin layers are sloughed off and its swelling on the face can last up to 2 weeks. Also, It can take up to 3 months for skin redness to last but the result is long-lasting.

#6 Acne Extraction:

Acne extraction is a procedure to extract content from the clogged pores by a dermatologist. The dermatologist uses a sterile instrument to unclogged pores and extracts comedones that are whiteheads and blackheads. This procedure is not for inflammatory acne especially the cystic ones are rarely treated by this method. 

This option is taken by a dermatologist when other acne treatments are failed as it cost more and also takes time. For painful acne nodules or cysts, injections are used to treat them by the doctor. Also, a dermatologist can use an incision and drainage to remove painful pimples or cysts.

After treating zits on the chin you can beat breakouts by avoiding things that trigger them.

#1 Know What Skin Type you have:

For protecting the skin from damaging it is important to know the type of skin. This helps in selecting the right skincare products and routine for the skin. For protecting sensitive skin, never buy products without knowing ingredients and suitability for the skin type. 

There are two ways to find the type of skin: 

The Bare-Faced Method:

In this method, cleanse the face with a mild cleanser and pat dry. Leave the skin bare for 30 minutes and then notice how it feels. If the skin feels tauten and uncomfortable then it's an indication of dry skin. If the skin shines from the nose and forehead then it's a sign of combination skin while if skin shines from the cheeks, nose, and forehead then it's proof of oily skin. 

The blotting sheet method. 

In this method press a blotting sheet on the nose or forehead and then see if the oil is visible on the sheet. If little to no oil is visible then most probably it's dry skin. If the oil is easily visible then it's combination skin and if it's saturated with oil then it indicates oily skin. This is a quick and more accurate method to know the skin type.

#2 Avoid Dehydration:

Dehydration is detrimental to skin health as it increases layers of dead skin cells and oil gland produces more sebum because of dryness and roughness. This condition causes clogged pores and acne. Drinking 8 glasses of water per day are recommended and it's good for skin health. Also, water flushes toxins out of the body which can be a cause of developing acne.

#3 Limit Cosmetics:

Give skin some rest by not wearing makeup. Mostly people having sensitive skin can be affected by certain ingredients in the cosmetic. Although according to the American Academy of Dermatology, it's ok for acne patients to wear makeup it's important to select the right product and check for the ingredients. Follow a proper skincare routine that suits your skin type. The topical ointment can also be applied to the face before applying makeup to avoid worsening the breakout.

#4 Avoid Harmful Effects of the Sun:

Always wear sunscreen when going out during a bright sunny day as the sun UV rays when contacting directly to the skin for a long duration causes inflammation and redness. Some acne medications also make skin sensitive to sunlight. Avoid direct exposure to the sun when it is at its peak i.e. 10 a.m. to 4p.m. Clear skin people should also apply sunscreen and this protects their skin from damage by harmful rays that cause dark spots and blemishes. Sun exposure for a little while can be good for acne but this is not the solution and when doing often it causes abominable side effects. For more information, check the post, 'Know the Importance of Sunscreen'.

#6 Don't Touch Face:

Touching the face can spread the bacterias to other parts of the face so eschew doing so. Most people don't know that the most common cause of chin breakouts is touching the face. This happens because hands spread bacteria with a little press to the chin, jawline, and other face parts. Try to avoid the temptation of touching the face unless it is necessary to do so. Leave spots to heal on their own - don't itch or pop pimples.

#7 Apply Multani Mitti (Clay Mask):

The clay mask has good effects on the acne-prone skin. Clay mask absorbs excess sebum and bacteria from the skin pores. This gives a soothing effect to the skin as it also reduces skin inflammation. It also helps in sloughing off dead skin cells and unclogging pores. 

A clay mask is good for all types of acne but for moderate to severe acne other treatments may also require. There is a famous Asian clay known as Multani Mitti: not only low cost but also quite effective in improving skin condition. Aztec healing clay is too getting popular worldwide, know Aztec Healing Clay Mask Benefits On Skin and how it works, in 👆 this post.

#8 De-stress:

Stress is an enemy for the skin - destress the worries. 

  • Be active and do exercise 20-40 minutes 3-5 days a week.
  • Go for a walk in nature.
  • Socialise and connect with people.
  • Pray.
  • Do activities that are pleasurable and relaxing.
  • Try breathing exercises and one can try Deep Breathing Exercise.
  • Practice mindfulness.
  • Avoid toxic people and situations.
  • Take control of problems and figure out what causes it and try to deal with it rather stuck in a passive thinking pattern. 
  • Try to be positive in worse situations.

#9 Tie Hair:

Always tie the hair after oiling as it transfers extra oil to the skin and then clogs the pores. Untied hair can also spread bacterias to other parts of the face. Some people have natural oily hear so it's better to tie hair when already suffering from acne or have acne-prone skin. If wants to have untied hair then washes it daily. 

#10 Don't Use Expire Cosmetic or Skincare Products:

Women often do the mistake of using expired cosmetics or skincare products. Never do that! The ingredients in cosmetics change their consistency when expired. They mutate their structure and can break down into something else. Feeling irritation after applying expired makeup is the response of break down molecules that gives inflammation to the skin. Using expired cosmetics start out rashes, bumps, blisters, or even facial swelling as this is a haven for bacteria on the face.

The Expiration duration for mascara is 3 months, for eye shadow and eyeliner, the timeline is 6 to 12 months and for the foundation, it's 12 months from once they have been started using. Some can bear applying cosmetics for longer than this duration but for acne-prone skin, it's good to avoid the risk of using them after that duration.

#11 Use Clean Facial Brush:

Wash cosmetic or skincare brushes at least once a week or more often when using on a regular basis. These cosmetic tools are friendly places for harbouring bacterias. To wash brushes, pour a few drops of mild shampoo in a mug and add warm water in it. Now swirl the brushes in this water for a few minutes and then gently massage the bristles. Drain water and repeat the process once again. After that squeeze excess water and let them dry.

#12 Change Pillow Case Once a Week:

Changing pillowcase can help some people as it is also a way of keeping bacterias at bay. Slip silk pillowcases absorb less moisture as compared to the cotton pillowcases and can help people with acne-prone skin. Moving around in sleep share skin oil and bacteria with the pillow, washing them once a week hinders the spreading of bacteria to the other parts of the face.

Yes! acne scars can be removed permanently depending on the type of scar. Laser treatment is the most effective among other acne scar removal treatments. Some scars are permanent but G.P can help to find the right treatment in reducing their appearance. The best is to avoid having acne scars and do measure to stop having acne. There are also some home treatments that can help in fading acne scars but of course, it takes a couple of weeks to see the difference. Check the posts, 4 Best Home Remedies for Acne Scars, and Benefits of Aloe Vera for Acne Scars to know how to fade mild acne scars at home.

For healthy and beautiful skin, try to add the following foods in the diet.

  • Fatty Fish
  • Walnuts
  • Avocados
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Brocolli and leafy green vegetables
  • Yellow and red bell peppers
  • Soy
  • Tomatoes
  • Green Tea
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Red grapes

Did I Miss Anything? 

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