Saturday, August 8, 2020

Hair loss: 5 triggers and solutions

Let’s consider the main triggers related to hair loss the most commonly.

Hair loss: 5 triggers and solutions
From; Fitness Republic

Dense hair is one of the main attributes of health and beauty. So, hair loss or baldness can significantly affect self-confidence. However, it is important to distinguish natural hair loss (normally, a person loses 50-100 strands per day) and pathological — when you notice falling hairs everywhere. If your situation is more similar to the second case, it is essential to find our the triggers caused the hair changes, and then decide how to cope with them.

Let’s consider the main triggers related to hair loss the most commonly.

Weak immune system

Often, hair loss may be observed when the immune system is not strong enough to protect the organism. In this case, you have to consult a doctor and determine the reasons that have led to such a condition. Among the causes can be infections, hormonal changes (for women, it often occurs during pregnancy or breastfeeding), diet, or stress. All these statements can be easily corrected with your doctor.


Weak brittle hair can be a cause of vitamin deficiency in the organism. Often, it can take place if a person follows a strict or monotonous diet. However, avitaminosis can occur even if a patient eats properly, but vitamins are not digested — it can be a sign of gastrointestinal tract disorders. In the case of avitaminosis, hair falls out all over the scalp evenly, there is no pronounced place of baldness. This is called diffuse alopecia.

Hormonal imbalance

Hormones play a crucial role to make the body system function properly. Health and density of hair also depend on the hormonal level. Androgenic alopecia is an example of such an influence. It is one of the most common types of hair loss among men; it is diagnosed in 95% of cases. However, women can also suffer androgenic alopecia in about 20% of cases. Androgenic alopecia is caused by male hormone level changes. Men notice hair loss on the frontal and parietal parts of the head. Then, hair loss becomes more advanced.

This type of hair loss is hard to treat. However, Minoxidil (medicines) can slow down the process for a while. But only hair transplant can solve the problem at once. Luckily, there are a lot of options to have a procedure at a reasonable price. For instance, the cost of hair transplant in Turkey is $1,800 on average. Hair transplant cost in Turkey includes all additional expenses such as transfer, accommodation, anesthesia, consultations, etc.

Injuries or traumas

Burns, injuries, severe inflammation can lead to the follicles’ death. In this case, hairs cannot restore themselves, and a hair transplant is the only way to solve the issue. During operation, it is possible to successfully transplant healthy follicles instead of dead ones into damaged skin.

Iron-deficiency anemia

When you observe hair loss, a lack of iron in the organism can be a reason. Iron deficiency may be caused by its lack in the food or its poor digestibility. About 50% of people do not receive enough level of iron. Women during pregnancy and lactation are at risk group.

It is impossible and dangerous to find out the trigger of hair loss by yourself. To determine the real reason for hair loss in your case, consult with a doctor and undergo all necessary medical tests. Alopecia can be a sign of severe diseases that require urgent treatment. That is why do not risk and not to try treating hair loss with cosmetic remedies. Firstly, you can lose valuable time and miss a dangerous disease. Secondly, cosmetic remedies (masks or shampoos) can not be effective in your case — often only medicines or hair transplant are helpful.

Remember: ignoring alopecia treatment can lead to an irreversible process, so it will be difficult to restore the lost hair. And then, only a hair transplant will be an effective option to fight hair loss.

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