Tuesday, March 20, 2018

How To Do 10 Minute Pilates

The Pilates philosophy fits easily into a ten-minute workout. With busy lifestyles in play, working smarter not harder is key in all aspects of life. The simultaneous workout of continual fluid motion gained from Pilates builds stamina and muscular endurance.

By pulling the navel to the spine, the abdominal wall is flattened through strength and stretching rather than building the muscle out.

To begin with, the beginner or ten-minute exerciser can start with floor exercises that emphasize training the core. These core exercises do not require a warm-up routine and can begin at the start of the day.

Getting into the habit of working the core while the coffee is brewing, for instance, makes use of a quick ten-minute block of time. The isolation work involved in the mat work helps to focus the body and the mind on the process.

This balancing provides stabilization and muscle control without building muscle tension. In addition, this process can relax and focus the mind on the day’s activities.

Because Pilates is a fluid motion of movements, once the routine is memorized the transition between movements is smoother and progresses quickly. This progression moves the individual through multiple positions in moments of time.

 Although each position seems like a lot in the beginning, it is best to start with one to five movements adding another as a higher comfort level is reached.

Initially, it is necessary to look at illustrations and/or descriptions to be sure that the exercises are performed correctly; however, once the positions and steps are mastered the process becomes simple and quick.

it is important that progress is not rushed, and only one exercise is added at a time.
As Pilates becomes easier to perform, the positions can be upgraded to more advanced poses.

 Each of the Pilates steps can be modified for beginners, intermediate or advanced level exercises. Regardless, it is important to stay focused and attentive to the movements and technique. Rhythm is inherently subconscious in all humans.

Many of the movements made within the day, walking and gesturing, are dome without much thought; the Pilates method is based on that philosophy of fluid movement. With only ten minutes of Pilates one can strengthen the back and neck helping to break bad exercise habits.

Because the method is a corrective method of exercise that is designed for all levels of fitness and lifestyles, the program is flexible and space efficient for all.

Finding the time and commitment to do Pilates is just a matter of choice. Ten minutes can be carved out of moments of “wait” unlike the longer time constraints of using other exercise forms. 

Whether that time is in the morning or night, it is just a matter a developing a new habit. Try one Pilates move on the first morning before anything else.

 In a few short weeks an entire routine can become the new normal engaging the mind and body in a wonderful, healthy lifestyle of balance and fitness success.

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