Sunday, March 18, 2018

The beautiful & powerful Diabetics just like the rest of us

It’s a little like, no it’s actually a lot like a cross between Fantasyland and Sex And The City. So who hasn’t engaged in this seemingly harmless game of mental fantasy and arousal with their husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend at one time or another?

 It goes like this: Your significant other asks you what famous person you would most like to hook up with for a one-time, guilt-free, consequence-free sexcapade.

Oh yeah, and the hook-up comes with an iron-clad guarantee that no one would ever find out or get hurt. I don’t know about you, but I refuse to fall into this relationship trap. My answer is always the same: I love you, honey. 

You satisfy all of my needs, I don’t engage in sexual fantasies that involve other people and I would never do anything to disrespect you or jeopardize our marriage……Having said that, if I were still single, it would be an entirely different matter. 

If my circumstances were different and I didn’t have this amazingly wonderful wife to keep me happy, it’s no secret that Halle Berry and Salma Hayek would be at the top of my fantasy list. (Naturally, it’s a given that my wife would be running into the welcoming arms of either John Travolta or Richard Gere.)

So when I recently discovered that both Halle Berry and Salma Hayek are Diabetics like me, it gave me a weird sense of connection. Like the three of us now shared this awful, yet mutual bond. Then again, I guess it’s not so weird.

 After all, as one of the fastest growing chronic diseases in the history of mankind, the list of those afflicted with Diabetes is long and distinguished. When it comes to Diabetes, it simply knows no bounds. Oh sure, obesity is one of the most common triggers.

But chalking up the disease to nothing more than weight control is to miss the bigger picture. Diabetes strikes all kinds, young and old, fat and thin and everything in between. From actors and athletes to world leaders, comedians and musicians, Diabetes doesn’t spare the rich, powerful, well-connected or the beautiful. 

The list of famous people with Diabetes runs the gamut, from an Academy award-winning novelist (Mario Puzzo of the Godfather fame), one of the most talented.

yet villainous figures in professional baseball history (Ty Cobb) and a Supreme Court Justice (Sonia Sotomayor) to a grammy-award winning musician (B.B. King), one of the greatest actors of this generation (Tom Hanks), several former Soviet leaders and half of the singer-songwriter foursome, CSN&Y (David Crosby and Neil Young)

So when it comes to Diabetes, us commoners have a lot of famous company. That’s the bad news. The good news is that everyone on this list found a way to manage the disease and make great contributions to society, athletics and the arts.

 With proper management, Diabetes doesn’t have to stop you from pursuing your dreams. It doesn’t have to get in the way of your success. They did it, and so can you! Here, then, is my list of famous Diabetics:

(In case my wife happens to be reading this, I love you, honey. You satisfy all of my needs, I don’t engage in sexual fantasies that involve other people, and that includes Halle Berry and Salma Hayek, singularly or together, and I would never do anything to disrespect you or jeopardize our marriage!)

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