Saturday, August 3, 2019

Drink Plenty of Water Every Day to Promote Weight Loss Naturally!

Our body is mainly composed of water, 70% of the body is actually water, which is why it needs sufficient water intake to keep things running smoothly. If you want to preserve optimal health you need to drink plenty of water.

But how much is enough? Health experts recommend a regular consumption of 8-10 glasses of water per day for optimal health and you need to follow this recommendation to keep your body hydrated. Hydration is vital because every cell in your body needs water to do its job and the lack of it can lead to deterioration of every bodily function.

Water means life, there’s no simpler way to say it. We consume water and our body also spends it. We spend it through urination, sweating, digestion and breathing, which means that we need to compensate for this loss by consuming water and eating foods abundant in water.

People who are healthy drink the necessary amount of water on a daily basis  and not just when they feel thirsty. According to Joan Koelemay, who’s a dietitian working in the Beverage Institute, says that people should view water as they view any other nutrient, vitamin and mineral needed for optimal health and make sure their diet includes plenty of food and drink sources rich in this essential ingredient.

If you start drinking the necessary amount of water every day you’ll experience the following benefits:

  • Eliminate constipation and regularity issues
  • Eliminate headaches
  • No more cramps or strains
  • Improved kidney function
  • Better mood
  • Better skin quality
  • Stronger immune system
  • Flush out toxins
  • Stimulate healthy weight loss
  • Improved energy levels
  • Eliminate fatigue

Drinking enough water will help boost your metabolism and burn calories faster. It will also suppress your appetite, reduce cravings and ultimately lead to weight loss.

How to increase your daily intake of water:

  • Try to drink the recommended amount of 8 glasses a day to reach optimal health.
  • Make sure you always carry a small bottle of water around with you and drink it whenever you can
  • Drink a large glass of water as soon as you wake up
  • Drink a glass of water before your meals to suppress the appetite
  • Add a slice of lemon or lime in your water to improve its flavor and burn even more calories
  • Drinking icy cold water is good for your metabolism because your body will need to work harder to warm it up
  • Drink fresh lemon juice  and teas throughout the day
  • Consume plenty of veggies and fruit with a high water content to keep your water levels up

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