Saturday, August 3, 2019

With This Juice Unclog the Arteries and Be Safe Against Heart Issues

The latest studies said that one single food item can improve our health, reduce risks of heart issues and even reverse that damage.

These results were published in the journal Atherosclerosis and the experts said that the extract of pomegranate can prevent and cure damages to the coronary arteries due to fat deposits.

As to the experts, this extract has many benefits like:

  • Less plaque in arteries
  • Less oxidation stress
  • Stopping chemokine, the chemical that links to inflammation in arteries
  • Less cardiac issues
  • Less ECG problems

Many other studies also exist based on this topic. The Clinical Nutrition in 2004 published a result of a 3 year lasting study and said that pomegranate juice can reverse carotid stenosis of arteries.

Regular taking of this juice can reverse this issue by whole 29% in the first year.

This juice also affects the cholesterol levels. You can unclog the arteries with it and stop future heart issues with this fresh juice. Here are the reasons to drink this juice more often:

Here are the reasons to drink this juice more often:

  • Nutrients – one cup of this has 144 calories, 7 g fiber, 3 g protein, vitamins C, K, folate and potassium and also this fruit is a good antioxidant that stops free radical damage.
  • 2 good plant items – the juice has punicalagins and mostly in the peel. The seeds have punicic acid and they both are healthy.
  • For inflammation – eat more of this fruit to remove inflammation and stop or prevent heart issues, diabetes 2, cancer, obesity and Alzheimer’s.
  • For hypertension – a study of recently said that 150 ml of this juice daily can lower the hypertension after just 2 weeks. Also this juice reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack.
  • For fungi and bacteria – the nutrients here fight bacteria and experts claim that this fruit is amazing for killing bacteria and fungi too.

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