Saturday, August 3, 2019

Treat Sinusitis With This Effective Homemade Mix

Sinusitis is a human disease which occurs due to inflammation or infection in the sinus cavity. The common symptoms include thick nasal mucus, blocked nose, heavy breathing and pain in the face. In general, doctors prescribe either antibiotics or corticosteroids for the infection, and even surgery in extreme cases. However, you should know that the problem can be treated naturally with the help of a few remedies.

The main causes of sinusitis

As we already said, sinusitis is usually caused by inflammation in the mucosal lining of the sinuses which makes them produce a large amount of mucus that can block the airways. Sinusitis usually accompanies colds, but can also occur in cases of allergies or chlorine irritation after swimming in public pools.

Once it occurs, sinusitis can make your nasal cavity an ideal breeding ground for germs. Once bacteria accumulate in the cavity, you may experience pain, fever and headaches, accompanied by thick mucus discharge.

How to treat sinusitis naturally

Sinusitis can be a pretty troublesome problem which can’t be resolved with even the most powerful drugs sometimes. Luckily, there are many natural ways of treating it, and we have the best for your below.


  • Horseradish
  • White vinegar


Grate the horseradish in a bowl, then pour the vinegar over it and mix well. Once you’re done, put the mixture in a glass bottle and close it, then leave the bottle for 10 days on room temperature. Shake the contents occasionally every day.


After 10 days, the remedy should be prepared for use. Just open the bottle and inhale the vapors for about 5. Another way of using it is to soak a cloth in the mixture, then put it on the back of the head before going to bed. Repeat the procedure for 5 days, and the sinusitis should be gone!

Here’s another simple remedy that can treat sinusitis:

Grate 50 gr. of horseradish and boil it in 500 ml. of water, then lean over the pot with a towel over your head and inhale the steam coming from the mixture for 10-15 minutes. This will open up your airways and thin out the mucus in your lungs, effectively relieving the symptoms of sinusitis and helping you breathe easier.

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